jezbo wrote: 
> This is for those of you that were interested in custom tags and/or
> hierarchical viewing - I'd appreciate some help beta-testing the new
> functionality. As it is a BETA release there may be bugs, but I'll aim
> to address them quickly (if you need to, you will be able to revert back
> to the last stable release by uninstalling 1.5 then reinstalling 1.4.43
> from the home page).

That was quick. Bravo. And fundamentally, it functions as I had hoped.
I'll play with it for a couple of days, and give more feedback if I come
across any glitches.

Initial thoughts: choosing hierarchy levels by repeated right-clicking
is fine for geeks playing with betas, but I think you'd need a more
user-friendly way of choosing levels once it's out of beta. I know too
many people who have never used a right-click button...

And if I'm being hyper-fussy, then I'd say that I don't find this
hierarchy system as elegant as the 'panes' view available in some media
players/browsers (first popularised by iTunes, I believe, and much
copied). In case it's not clear what I mean, I've attached a screengrab
of jRiver Media Center, which I have set up with a viewing hierarchy in
the Panes view. More importantly, I think the panes view is also easier
to grasp for non-geeks. But from my point of view, the system you have
devised is very usable.


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