First of all, thanks for releasing this plugin. I've been developing a
plugin for integrating EchoNest myself, but with a rather different
approach (focusing on catalog radio playlists, and using taste profiles
as seeds), so it will be interesting to compare the results. 

A couple of points:

- On both of the exports I ran (one with 0.94, the other 0.96), I got
this error at the end:

  [13-01-03 20:14:22.7114] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_call (216) Async API call: 
  [13-01-03 20:14:22.9586] Plugins::SmartMix::API::__ANON__ (225) do {
  my $a = bless([
  sub { "???" },
  { params => {}, timeout => 15 },
  "400 Bad Request",
  ], "Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP");
  $a->[1] = $a->[0];
  ($a, "400 Bad Request");

Since my collection is > 60000 tracks, I'm not sure if this was finished
sucessfully - maybe the same issue reported by slartibartfast.

- When trying a mix on a song which is not known to EN, you simply get a
"Failed to create playlist"

  [13-01-02 22:15:20.8802] Plugins::SmartMix::Plugin::_createMixCb (415) {
  _smartmix_args => {
  bucket  => ["id:XXX"],
  limit   => "true",
  song_id => "XXX:song:0f344abbee66930e8236dcb140b1c6ed",
  type    => "song-radio",
  response => {
  status => {
  code    => 5,
  message => "The Identifier specified does not exist",
  version => "4.2",

Maybe you could add a more specific message for the user - the
underlying issue is probably hard to fix.

- Other ideas

- Ratings seem to currently make very little difference with the
selection (I get loads of one or two star tracks). Using the
dynamic/feedback API call seems to have a bigger influence: My plugin
submits the rating when the song is played, which results in a rule for
the current session

  'rule' => 'Prefer songs similar to: SOKJCNR12A8C13A111, SOENNGJ12A6D4FB8D7, 
SOENNSH13600EB08CD, SODSUVU130516E1FC7, SOBJVDD12A8C13D983, SOECSEM130516E1A36, 

(SOKJCNR12A8C13A111 etc. being song identifiers for highly-rated songs.
Haven't had time to look what the SmartMix session rules look like,
might be interesting)
This seems to gradually steer the playlist into the "right" direction
(additionally, you can configure my plugin to reject low rated songs).
Rating songs for the current session using dynamic/feedback is simple,
it does, however, result in additional API calls, which brings me to the
next point

- API call restrictions / call rate: This is rather annoying (although
it has gotten a lot better in the past months). One way to improve this
would be to let users optionally use their own API key (which is free to
get providing only minimal information to EchoNest), then the
restriction  (i.e. 120 calls/min) is for each installation, not for all
of them. Additionally, it seems there is a limit of 1000 taste profiles/
non-commercial key, so the 1001st user of the plugin will be out of

- Steering the playlist using dynamic/feedback also lets you
ban/favorite songs/artists - quite a nice feature

- For my collection, the recognition rate is about 30%, even though it's
quite well tagged (it contains mainly non-mainstream music, though). One
thing I noticed when experimenting with my plugin was that the
recognition rate of songs really suffers from spelling differences for
artists (is it A Silver Mount Zion/A Silver Mt Zion/A Silver Mt.
Zion/Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra ? what about
PJ.Harvey/P.J.Harvey/P.J. Harvey?). In order to improve this, one could
add an option to rename artists before the information is sent to EN. 


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