I'm sorry if this has been posted previously, but I cannot get this
plug-in to work for the life of me. I have re-scanned the library
several times, the output does show the Profile Export line, I've looked
at the debugged log files, but I don't see any errors. However, every
time I select My Music->Smart Mix-> and then any of the pre-defined
recipes, it just says "Empty". Here is some of the log file:

[13-01-07 20:15:29.9659] Plugins::SmartMix::Plugin::createMix (390)
Starting dynamic mix using: {
max_energy => "0.4",
max_tempo => 80,
mood => "calming",
name => "Smooth",
type => "artist-description",
[13-01-07 20:15:29.9665] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_call (216) Async API
call: GET
[13-01-07 20:15:29.9685] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_call (216) Async API
call: POST http://developer.echonest.com/api/v4/catalog/update
[13-01-07 20:15:29.9689] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_call (217) (

[13-01-07 20:15:30.0654] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (274)
x-ratelimit-limit: 120
[13-01-07 20:15:30.0657] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (274)
x-ratelimit-remaining: 120
[13-01-07 20:15:30.0660] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (274)
x-ratelimit-used: 7
[13-01-07 20:15:30.1918] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (274)
x-ratelimit-limit: 120
[13-01-07 20:15:30.1921] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (274)
x-ratelimit-remaining: 120
[13-01-07 20:15:30.1923] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (274)
x-ratelimit-used: 7
[13-01-07 20:15:30.1926] Plugins::SmartMix::Plugin::_createMixCb (438)
Got dynamic playlist session_id: e4dea3fa65b04f77a66bbaf9dcfe98ba
[13-01-07 20:15:30.1932] Plugins::SmartMix::Plugin::addTracks (545) -1
songs remaining, songIndex = 0
[13-01-07 20:15:30.1935] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_call (216) Async API
call: GET
[13-01-07 20:15:30.3595] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (274)
x-ratelimit-limit: 120
[13-01-07 20:15:30.3596] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (274)
x-ratelimit-remaining: 120
[13-01-07 20:15:30.3598] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (274)
x-ratelimit-used: 9
[13-01-07 20:15:30.3604] Plugins::SmartMix::Plugin::__ANON__ (560) No
matching tracks were found.{
_ratelimit     => {
"x-ratelimit-limit"     => 120,
"x-ratelimit-remaining" => 120,
"x-ratelimit-used"      => 9,
_smartmix_args => { results => 5, session_id =>
"e4dea3fa65b04f77a66bbaf9dcfe98ba" },
response       => {
lookahead => [],
songs     => [],
status    => { code => 0, message => "Success",
version => "4.2" },
[13-01-07 20:15:38.1261] Plugins::SmartMix::Importer::_purgeCatalog
(298) Catalog cleanup has finished

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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