pippin wrote: 
> Well, it's still on the to-do-list and will eventually come.
> Challenge is that for this (and I would want to keep similar
> capabilities as for the streaming playback) I'll have to implement a
> full local player. Not a huge thing but not trivial either.
> On Android you can just throw the files at other Apps.

Now that is cool pippin; the small snippet of possibility! Great :)

I wondered if the same playback feature could be expanded to play local
files? as I presume its capable of playing flac and the like.

Perhaps the files could be streamed from instead of the

I recall that the player component is developed by others, so that may
not be viable? (seem to recall this from some time ago? correct me if I
am wrong) 

Count me in for testing and a purchase if it gets off the ground, as
using iPeng HD as a local player would mean you have a real big head
start on some of the other players.

local.bin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22053
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