Ok, some news.
Qobuz told me that they were originally using the URL base
player.qobuz.com for some technical reason, but now they will abandon
this URL. Eveyrthing will work on www.qobuz.com. 
This is documented on the API docs, but I didn't see it.
Normally qobuz desktop should auto update and point to www.qobuz.com,
but for some reason, it didn't on my test machine when I tried monday.
So I - wrongly - concluded that the problem was on their server.

So we fixed that quickly in the plugin, that's easy.

The trick is about github, where we store the plugin source, and also
the plugin.

I originally posted builds and repo.xml on my personal website.
Since 2012-11-13, in the post #53, we moved to github.
Now github removed a functionality, and we can't update repo.xml or add
new builds. We have to move the builds in an other place.
In the mean time, some people are still getting repo.xml from my
website, where it's still pointing to version 1.60.

So we decided to move back to my website, so that people who stayed on
the old 1.60 will get the update. Others who were using github URL will
have to configure their squeezebox server to use the original URL.

In short, 
if you stayed on http://www.pierrebeck.fr/SqueezeboxQobuz/repo.xml, do
nothing, you'll get v1.82.
if you stayed on cloud.github.com/downloads... Please update repo.xml
URL to http://www.pierrebeck.fr/SqueezeboxQobuz/repo.xml on your
squeezebox server config page (plugins tab). There is nothing else to
if you downloaded manually the plugin, please download the last version
(today v1.82) here http://www.pierrebeck.fr/SqueezeboxQobuz/

Post #10 is up to date, and will always be the reference.

Sorry for the confusion...

pierrepoulpe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58007
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97146

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