Artwork.db blew out to 1.1GB after a few days use and threatened to fill
the RAMdisk allocated to CACHE
so I un-installed extGUI4LMS, deleted artwork.db and library.db and did
a clear & rescan.

After reading
I waited until some comment appeared but when no-one posted anything I
downloaded and installed 7.8.0 - 1371658931 @ Thu Jun 20 on my test box,
started LMS and installed the extGUI4LMS plugin. 
Accessing the extGUI4LMS kicked off an Artwork scan that took 10 minutes
for 10,006 covers and blew Artwork.db to 644,720KB from 241,088KB. After
a day of use artwork.db has grown to 685,878KB.

It appears that the change to stick with jpg has curbed the excessive
growth of the artwork.db .

If I change Settings\Interface\Thumbnail Size to 200, will that :
1. reduce the artwork.db size ? (as the 100 size artwork will not be
2. adversely affect the gui as artwork will now be bigger ?

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