Wigster wrote: 
> Hi,
> I quite like the artist background in the latest version. But where is
> it coming from? It seems to appear for some random artists, but then not
> appear for much more mainstream ones? Is this a question of pattern
> matching or mainstream artists protect their rights?
> Also, the seek/progress bar for radio shows played with the BBC iPlayer
> is a little broken. It usually is maximally to the right, as if it
> didn't know how long the show is. This means that it is impossible to
> skip forward. In general, the information that appears when it's dragged
> is the number of seconds from the start. This is not so useful for
> longer tracks (say 1750 s is not very informative without some algebra
> in the head). Could you change this to a mm:ss format? 
> Also, is there any chance of making the seek bar a little more touch
> friendly, maybe like Xbox Video has it?
> On the podcasts, it seems that once the episode list for a particular
> podcast is loaded, it will not be reloaded until the App is quit and
> restarted. Could you add some way of forcing a rescan of the episode
> list?
> But otherwise great work! Thanks.

Background image is from Last.FM, I've also noticed that the image faĆ­ls
once in a while and I'm currently trying to figure out why. The image
exists, it's just that it fails to load it.

The seekbar will be changed to display the information in hh:mm format.
Regarding iPlayer and podcasts, I'll see what I can do to fix that.

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