erland wrote: 
> This is not directed to you personally but community members in general.
> I really think people need to start to think about software the same way
> as other purchases. It's not like most people ask to taste the food on a
> restaurant before they buy a 7 EUR meal, if they are hungry they just
> buy the food.
> It might sound strange that this comes from me since I'm probably a bit
> biased since I'm selling software myself, but if we want this community
> to survive on longer terms we really need to support and encourage third
> party developers in all possible ways we can.

I can tell you without hesitation that I would not have paid for your
tools nor Muso had I not been able to try it first. Anyone with a
computer can slap something together and then try to sell it. Why should
I have to waste money buying crap until I find the software that works
to my needs? I've been burned enough times that I rarely buy any
software that I can't try first.

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