Thank you for replying so swiftly and for asking for comments, etc.

As per my earlier posting: first-off I would like to see a release
version number so that the user knows whether (s)he has the latest
release and a link to any updates.

You have already commented that I have a large (huge?) collection and
hence some of my queries may relate to the size of the library (which is
likely to get bigger!)

Things I consider important:
1. Album title: when music is playing we see the artwork, track title
and artist but nowhere does it show the album title.  This is important
for me because I break many of my ripped albums down into smaller works
(e.g. the CD may have two original vinyl albums which I separate).
2. Track title: the text size is so small that it is difficult to read,
especially when the red text clashes with the colours on the photograph
3. Volume: I find the program will often crash if I try to load albums
or artists for scrolling.  Hence I try now to use the Search function
which works very well (provided I know what to search for!).  But having
chosen an album to play and started the music playing I then have go
back six steps to the artwork page ... and this is where the volume is
controlled.  This can be inconvenient if the start is particularly
loud/quiet.  How can we control the volume more readily?

4. Whilst the photograph and Bio information are enjoyable, their use is
limited and I would prefer to see much larger Album artwork.  Also, the
Main Menu list takes up the bulk of the screen centre but is of little
use most of the time - I would prefer this to be relegated to the bottom
of the screen so allowing more space for the artwork and titles (album,
track and artist).  But this is just a personal preference.

Many thanks for reading.

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