I recently tried a UPnP sever that has a novel (to me anyway) interface.
I was wondering if there is any way to do the same with Custom Browse.

The menu strategy is as follows.

1) You nominate the tags you are interested in - that's effectively
already done using the mixed tags and custom tags defined for use in
Custom Scan

2) The menu shows a list of these tag names and you pick one

3) The menu now shows, for the selected item, a list of tags for which
there is more than one possible track, suppressing those where there is
no track and where there is only one match display that instead of the
tag name (eg Chopin instead of Composer) and not allowing selection
using that tag

4) Repeat (3) until you decide to play or list all tracks which match a
selected item.

This allows you to select, say, an Artist, find all Composers for which
there's a track with that Artist on it, select a Composer and see if
there are there are tracks which also have an Orchestra you are
interested in, list all the matching Works or tracks and play one.

I hope that explanation is enough to explain how it works and to show
the flexibility of the structure.  The question is whether this is
do-able with Custom Browse.  I assume it is technically feasible if one
writes the code, but I don't see a way of using the Custom Browse menus
to achieve this. 

Any ideas?

LMS 7.8 on VortexBox Midi, FLACs 16->24 bit, 44.1->192kbps. Touch with
EDO on Ethernet, coax out to a Musical Fidelity M1 CLiC. Wireless
Xubuntu laptop controls server using Chromium.   Meridian Explorer USB
DAC to listen to LMS via Squeezelite on Vortexbox & other PCs as
required.  Spare Touch in loft!
PasTim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41642
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