Tony T wrote: 
> Reports "No matching tracks were found."
> > 
  >   > 
  > ...
  > [14-05-04 17:39:33.0769] Plugins::SmartMix::Plugin::__ANON__ (1051) No 
matching tracks were found.{
  > _ratelimit     => {
  > ttl => "1399239605",
  > "x-ratelimit-limit" => 120,
  > "x-ratelimit-remaining" => 118,
  > "x-ratelimit-used" => 2,
  > },
  > _smartmix_args => { results => 5, session_id => 
"ee7ebf31ee19434c9d1367d2bc22939a" },
  > response       => {
  > lookahead => [],
  > songs     => [],
  > status    => { code => 0, message => "Success", version => "4.2" },
  > },
  > }
> > 

Same problem here while trying to generate a playlist for a "local file
only" player.

Looking at my scanner.log reveals a possible reason for the lack of
matching tracks:

> > 
  >   > 
  > [14-05-16 21:10:30.6463] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (485) Starting 
Plugins::SmartMix::Importer scan
  > [14-05-16 21:13:45.9314] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (377) 
garbage after JSON object, at character offset 4 (before "EOF\n") at 
c/.squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SmartMix/ line 375.
  > [14-05-16 21:13:48.1380] Plugins::SmartMix::Importer::runExport (179) 
Failed to update the taste profile:{
  > _ratelimit     => { ttl => "1400267645" },
  > _smartmix_args => {
  > data =>  <<long list of tracks>>,
  > id => "CACQWHC146064E5989",
  > },
  > }
  > [14-05-16 21:13:48.4246] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (617) Completed 
Plugins::SmartMix::Importer Scan in 197 seconds.
> > 

There might be something wrong with the export.

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