Ian, many thanks for the links. As soon as I will have the time I will
test the Squeeze on Arch Image on my Raspberrry PI. 

I'm just wondering, if it is possible to stream via airplay to my
squeezeboxes from any app which I have installed on my Iphone, while the
squeezeboxes are synchronised by LMS in a group of players?

At the moment I am not able to stream via airplay from any app on my
iphone to any squeezebox in my house, while the players are synchronized
to groups. Off course multiroom streaming is possible with the spotify
plugin or the deezer app, but I often come to the point that I also want
to use the original app from e.g. spotify or deezer and  then I canĀ“t
stream from the Iphone app via airplay to a group of players.

I think it could be helpfull to have a server like LMS which keeps all
players of the multiroom audio solution synchronized and which also
offers the possibilty to receive an audio stream via airplay for every
group of players.

Would this be possible with the shairtunes plugin?

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