utgg wrote: 
> For the adventurous, I've been having a play with adding live updating
> text for the all the BBC radio channels - since RadioVis only provides
> text information for Radio1 and 1xtra.
> I've done this with regular http polling (every 30 seconds) of a URL
> that is used by the official iPlayer app for its 'onair' information.
> Although this isn't published as an official interface, it looks pretty
> 'open' to me and has been stable for two or more years, by the look of
> it. I can't guarantee how long this will work for, but given the speed
> at which the BBC are chopping and changing things, this is likely to be
> as stable as anything.
> As I've needed to touch a few files in the plugin, I'm posting a patch
> file (only applies to the BBCiPlayer-v1.3.1alpha3 plugin). The .patch
> file is for command line on linux or cygwin. Copy the file to the
> BBCiPlayer plugin directory, cd to that directory and type:
> > 
  >   > 
  > patch -p1 < BBCiPlayer-v1.3.1alpha3-Onair-v0.1.patch
> > 
> After restarting LMS check the settings - there is an extra one called
> 'Show OnAir Text' which needs checking, and the 'Show Live Text' needs
> un-checking. 'Show Slide Show' will still work for displaying
> different artwork (on those channels that already had RadioVis).
> PS. I've also amended the menu.opml, adding a couple of missing
> stations and including some icon links for those that didn't have one.
> PPS. "patch -bp1 < BBCiPlayer-v1.3.1alpha3-Onair-v0.1.patch" will also
> create a backup of the changed files. If you want to go back though,
> it's probably easiest just to un-install and reinstall the plugin.
> Edit: I've also added a zip of just the files that have changed, if
> the patch file is problematic for your system. Extract over the top of
> the existing BBCiPlayer plugin directory, replacing existing files.
> Make sure this includes the basic.html file which is buried in a deep
> path.
> Edit2: I've updated the .patch and .zip file to fix a bug for display
> on older players with VFD displays, and also adjusted the description
> of how to apply the .patch file, to make it clearer that this update
> does not just apply to linux - it will work on all platforms including
> windows and mac.
> I need to say that as I've now modified Triode's original code (which
> is allowable as it is GPLv2), he's in no way responsible for any
> problems I may have now introduced...
Hi utgg

Thank you so much for providing the On Air text .zip file. The
disappearance of  Live Text from the streams however many years ago was
a real disappointment. A number of emails to BBC tech types got no
where. Again, thank you so much for reinstating it. I really am in awe
of the people on these forums who have now got us an improved system
when so many others have completely lost theirs. All the best.

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