mbonsack wrote: 
> When I do so, I get:
> [15-04-14 12:11:29.7115] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (131)
> Error: Select task failed calling
> Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read_body: JSON::XS::from_json has
> been renamed to decode_json, either downgrade to pre-2.0 versions of
> JSON::XS or rename the call at
> /home/mbonsack/Utilities/Squeezebox/LMS-7.9/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SuperDateTime/lib/Plugins/SuperDateTime/Plugin.pm
> line 4893.
> ; fh=Slim::Networking::Async::Socket::HTTP=GLOB(0x827f950)
> This is the call that's blowing up:
> my $perldata = from_json($MLB_json);
> I'm running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and LMS 7.9.
> So I literally did what it said, and changed the call to "decode_json". 
> Worked!
> One last thing.  I have not selected the Diamondbacks as one of my
> teams, though my home team (the Padres) is playing them tonight.  The
> icon for the Padres shows up, but not for the D-backs.  Is that a side
> effect of your settings.pm change (which I did not take time to
> implement)?
> Thanks again for the heavy lifting here!

Thanks for the feedback.  I'll update the calls to "decode_json" in the
weather.com version of SDT to make it compatible systems that have newer
versions of JSON::XS loaded.

The Diamondbacks bitmap icon not showing up is related to the
abbreviated name of "D-backs" presented in the JSON data.  I'll also
incorporate a fix for this in the next weather.com SDT release.  You can
fix your copy now by editing the line shown below.  It should be around
line 326.   Simply change "Diamondbacks" to "D-backs".

    my %MLBmap = ('Cubs'  => 10, 'White Sox'  => 11, 'Braves' => 12, 'Giants' 
=> 13, 'Angels' => 14, 'Tigers' => 15, 'Astros' => 16, 'Reds' => 17, 
'Diamondbacks' => 18, 'Twins' => 19, 'Rays' => 20, 'Red Sox' => 21, 'Indians' 
=> 22, 'Rangers' => 24, 'Yankees' => 25, 'Orioles' => 26, 'Blue Jays' => 27, 
'Royals' => 28, 'Athletics' => 29, 'Mariners' => 30, 'Pirates' => 31, 'Mets' => 
32, 'Phillies' => 33, 'Marlins' => 34, 'Nationals' => 35, 'Brewers' => 36, 
'Cardinals' => 37, 'Dodgers' => 38, 'Padres' => 39, 'Rockies' => 40 ); 
#Graphical icon mapping

The next release with more tweaks to the MLB scores will be a few days
away.  I'm currently capturing logs to figure out how delayed and
postponed games are presented in the JSON data.  If anyone notices any
issues with how it works now, let me know and I will try to address it
in the same release.

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