philippe_44 wrote: 
> Thanks - it's not that I don't want to investigate, but rather that I
> cannot investigate :(
I thought I would replay all the tracks I played last night to see if
something cumulative had gone wrong.  Whilst playing one of the earlier
tracks I decided I liked it so much I would change the Rating tag on the
flac (I often do this whilst playing tracks).  Due to monumentally
foolish finger trouble I managed to move the whole folder to another
place.  LMS naturally threw a wobbly.  I stopped playing, moved the
folder back where it should have been, started playing and got the
24-bit mashed up noise again.  This makes me think that if and when some
form of LMS or network or renderer glitch or delay occurs, sq2p may not
restart cleanly.  The occasional unexpected stop in music is a minor
thing.  The 24 bit white noise is another.    

I'm not sure the log would be much help, and I may be way off mark.  So,
just a thought.

LMS 7.9 on VortexBox Midi, Xubuntu 14.04, FLACs 16->24 bit,
44.1->192kbps. LMS plugin UPnP/DLNA Bridge to MF M1 CLiC (to MF amp &
ESLs) & Marantz CR603 UPnP renderers.  Minimserver (server) & upplay
(control point) to same & to upmpdcli/mpd PC renderers.  Squeezelite to
Meridian USB Explorer DAC to speakers/phones.  Wireless Xubuntu 15.04
laptop with firefox/upplay or Android 'phone with
Squeeze-Commander/BubbleUPnP controls LMS/Minimserver.   Have a Touch
with EDO, plus spare, but unused.
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