volpone wrote: 
> Hi philippe_44,
> Sorry because it is a little "off topic", but i appreciate your work and
> expertise in linking SqueezeBox ecosystem to UpNp renderers devices
> witch are sadly the only "high end" alternative to Squeeze audio
> devices.
> >   >   > 
  - What do you think about Roon from Roonlabs emerging solution, see
  - And also what about Roonlabs UPnP criticism, see 
  > https://community.roonlabs.com/t/whats-wrong-with-upnp/2101/5
  > > > 
> Regards
> Volpone

I don't know Roon well enough, but I'll look at it out of curiosity.
About UPnP flaws, I agree this is very painful to deal with. I think
there are 2 reasons. 

- It tries to do everything and to accommodate all the different
industry vendors. As a result, this is the "camel = a race horse
designed by a committee" problem. 
- There is no really good interoperability certification/validation so
basically it is a jungle of non-interworkable devices (servers, control
point, renderers). 

Working myself is systems that rely heavily on standards, I know how
important to make the specifications simple (don't offer 3 methods to do
the same thing just to please vendors), avoid ambiguity as much as
possible and because there are always ambiguities, then organize a very
strong validation/certification system. The amount of renderer
variations I had to deal with for my simple application is simply
amazing ... I could also add that I think UPnP misses at least one very
important feature for me: audio synchronization (UPnP 2.0 does but
nobody seems to adopt it)

About the thread, I read it quickly. Some statements wrt UPnP pain
points are correct I think, but there was a long discussion that showed
misunderstanding of what are network transport, sampling and clock rates
and how they are (not) related, so I stopped a bit at that point as it
is difficult to follow an argument where some of the initial hypothesis
are wrong. 

I am personally, to be honest, satisfied with what I have from
ex-Logitech. I'm a tinkerer, so I do my own PCB, 3D prints and software,
so with squeezelite and RaspberryPi, it is easy to transform any other
device/speaker into a LMS system, fully integrated, even if
(unfortunately) Logitech does not develop any more hardware. It was a
difficult learning curve, but I now know squeezelite very well so I can
fix it if needed. What I'm still frustrated with is not being successful
to synchronize my Sonos with squeezeboxes, but I'm still working on it,
it will just be a lot of work ;-) If I can make that work, then that
would give me all I want in term of tinkering possibilities and pre-made
good looking devices (as you can guess, I'm not an audiophile high end

LMS 7.7.2 - 5 radio, 3 Boom, 4 Duet, 1 Touch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne
(sort of)
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