philippe_44 wrote: 
> I don't know Roon well enough, but I'll look at it out of curiosity. 
Thank you Philippe, interested in your feedback especially on

philippe_44 wrote: 
> About UPnP flaws, I agree this is very painful to deal with. I think
> there are 2 reasons. 
> - It tries to do everything and to accommodate all the different
> industry vendors. As a result, this is the "camel = a race horse
> designed by a committee" problem. 
> - There is no really good interoperability certification/validation so
> basically it is a jungle of non-interworkable devices (servers, control
> point, renderers). 
> Working myself is systems that rely heavily on standards, I know how
> important it is to make the specification simple (don't offer 3 methods
> to do the same thing just to please vendors), avoid ambiguity as much as
> possible and because there are always ambiguities, then organize a very
> strong validation/certification system. The amount of renderer
> variations I had to deal with for my simple application is simply
> amazing ... I could also add that I think UPnP misses at least one very
> important feature for me: audio synchronization (UPnP 2.0 does but
> nobody seems to adopt it)
Very interesting ! 

philippe_44 wrote: 
> About the thread, I read it quickly. Some statements wrt UPnP pain
> points are correct I think

The LINN extensions (aka OpenHome) solve a lot of functional problems
(Gapless playback, playlist management ..) isnt'it ?

The point about the lack of "brain" in UPnP architecture seems real for
me. The application logic is in the server but also in the control point
and sometimes in the renderer.
How such a model could be effective to manage huge library with a lot of
metadata ? For example the Lumin IOS app (one of the best today) use
MinimServer for the tag tree but all the database management is running
on the IPAD. I would prefer a true client / server model like SqueezeBox
/ LMS.

philippe_44 wrote: 
> but there was a long discussion that showed misunderstanding of what are
> network transport, sampling and clock rates and how they are (not)
> related, so I stopped a bit at that point as it is difficult to follow
> an argument where some of the initial hypothesis are wrong.

I'm interested in comparing the different protocols and architecture
UpnP / AirPlay / SongCast / LMS (slim) / RoonSpeakers.
with a not too deep technical approach but to understand the main
differences and pros and cons.
Any link ? Any schematics ?

philippe_44 wrote: 
> I am personally, to be honest, satisfied with what I have from
> ex-Logitech. I'm a tinkerer, so I do my own PCB, 3D prints and software,
> so with squeezelite and RaspberryPi, it is easy to transform any other
> device/speaker into a LMS system, fully integrated, even if
> (unfortunately) Logitech does not develop any more hardware. It was a
> difficult learning curve, but I now know squeezelite very well so I can
> fix it if needed. What I'm still frustrated with is not being successful
> to synchronize my Sonos with squeezeboxes, but I'm still working on it,
> it will just be a lot of work ;-) If I can make that work, then that
> would give me all I want in term of tinkering possibilities as well as
> pre-made good looking devices (as you can guess, I'm not an audiophile
> high end guy).

I like too the LMS ecosystem but even if i'm not a true "Audiophile" i
care about sound quality and above all user experience as a "melomane". 
In this aspect Roon seems interesting for a classical music lover who
like to "discover" new musics.

Thank's and Regards.

PS: Sorry for my english i live in Paris.

SqueezeBoxServer 7.9 / ReadyNas Pro (x86) | SBTouch - SB3 - Duet - Boom
- Ipeng
SBTouch => Rega DAC => Rega Brio R amp => Harbeth SLH5 speakers
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