Man in a van wrote: 
> mp, you will need to use (windows computer) WnSCP to access the file on
> the nas.
> First start the LMS on the nas and go to the Settings page and click on
> the Information tab.
> You will see the IP address of the LMS install on the Nas (copy and save
> that somewhere).
> Scroll down the page and you will see the Pathway to the Plugins folder,
> also copy and save that.
> Download the Parser file to your Desktop.
> Stop LMS.
> Start WinSCP  fill in the IP address of the LMS and the user and
> password, select SCP in the protocol box IP goes in the Host name box. 
> You will get a Window with two panes, on the left hand pane, navigate to
> Desktop and scroll until you find the Parser file.
> In the right hand pane, navigate to the BBCiPlayer Plugin and open it.
> Rename the listed Parser file by adding "Old" to the front of the file
> name.
> Drag the new Parser file across from the left to the right. You might
> have to click save (I have not used my qnap nas as LMS server for a long
> time, so my memory might be a bit faulty).
> On your way out of the BBCiPlayer plugin, left click the blue arrow at
> the top until you come to the Cache folder, scroll down and delete the
> file cache.db.
> Exit WinSCP and restart LMS.
> if this works, then you can go back and delete the "Old2 parser file or
> just leave it lie.
> This is a bit quick and dirty "how to" but I hope it will help.
> Atb
> Ronnie
> Edit: just realised you will also need the new icons (opml file) so
> recommend that you download and install the patch (using the same method
> as above)
> See the info from utgg here

Thank you for your clear and comprehensive instructions which I intend
to try to follow soon.
Before I do, please may I ask another (niaive?) question. I there a
reason why the plugin originator (utgg) could not add it to the 3rd
party plugins list in LMS Settings? I seem to remember that this is how
I easily applied the the plugins (from Triode and bpa) early this year
when the BBC last made annoying changes.
Thanks again, Malcolm

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