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Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?
- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

Hello Douglas,
many thanks for your prompt reply!

I tried os.execute() and also system() commands and I got in both cases
the same error:
squeezeplay: ERROR  squeezeplay.ui - Framework.lua:695 action name not
registered: (SQXON.sh 2). Available actions: Actions:  etc.
I tried to find out where the Available (registered) actions are stored
but couldn't find the place where they are, any idea about that?

I found the Execute Script and will give it a try, I keep my fingers
crossed :-)

Talk to you soon,

virx71's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=50716
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79524

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