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virx71 wrote: 
> Hello Douglas,
> many thanks for your prompt reply!
> I tried os.execute() and also system() commands and I got in both cases
> the same error:
> squeezeplay: ERROR  squeezeplay.ui - Framework.lua:695 action name not
> registered: (SQXON.sh 2). Available actions: Actions:  etc.
> I tried to find out where the Available (registered) actions are stored
> but couldn't find the place where they are, any idea about that?
It looks like they are defined in Framework.lua.  Squeezeplay on Windows
has that file here: C:\Program Files
As far as I can tell the built-in actions are defined in
registerActions() and registerAction() allows custom ones to be added.

virx71 wrote: 
> EDIT: BTW I have another question for you: how to find the mac address
> used by SqueezePlay instance running on a PC?
> I tried using the PC MAC address for testing the "update config" of
> SqueezeIR but I couldn't make it work on SqueezePlay while it's working
> on my real controllers.
The PC MAC works for me using SqueezePlay v7.8.0 r539 and SqueezeIR
v1.13.  You can double-check the MAC from within SqueezePlay (Settings >
Advanced > Squeezebox Information > {squeezeplay player name}
Information, and look at the MAC entry).

virx71 wrote: 
> EDIT2: The Execute Script (at least the version I found 'here'
> (https://github.com/thecadams/htpc-scripts/tree/master/squeezeboxserver-plugins/ExecuteScript)
> is not working too well (I have no other option than executing scripts
> at every event, even if I create a "dummy" script it gets called every
> event it detects). I feel the os.execute way is better for my needs.
That plugin is no longer in active development which is a shame as there
could be uses for it.  I'm not sure I can be of much help here.

1xRadio, 2xReceiver, 2xController, 1xSB3, 2xSqueezeSlave, SBS 7.5.3
Inventor of SqueezeIR applet for the Controller
indifference_engine's Profile: 
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