bpa wrote: 
> It is as we discussed before, AFAICT this problem is specific to Windows
> and is most likely to happen with high end multicore system.
> My best guess is in the transcoding chain there is a application called
> socketwrapper which is there to overcome a limitation of windows
> implementation of pipes.  Socketwrapper handles all the i/o between LMS
> and between the transcoding application faad and flac.  On smaller
> systems the data is passed between process and scheduling a process to a
> core allows for some delays.  With high end  8 core system - there are
> enough cores/threads for LMS, socketwrapperm, faad and flac and this is
> causing some sort of overload. Possible activating socketwrapper safety
> to shutdown connection when connections get blocked.

I got around this again by doing what I did before - forcing HLS and
modifying the plugin code to bypass the internal HLS handler so that it
uses the external PlayHLS handler (via 'ffmpeg') that deals with HLS
directly as an input format.

I can share details if anyone is interested, but it seems like I'm in a
significant minority :)

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