Tried the Extra Menu, but in my UI it only shows the Cover Artwork (and
I guess that is correct?!), and not the Artist artwork...

Yes, because it tries to show you better alternatives than what you already have. As the plugin is providing the artist artwork I don't think it makes much sense to let it look for alternatives again.

I agree that
small artwork is better than no artwork! But getting 200 or 300 files
via manually Google (I have nearly 1500 main artists) is a bit time
consuming... :eek:

It certainly is. But if the plugin doesn't find larger artwork during the scan, how would you expect it to find better artwork otherwise?

And now the files is generally .png-files, I think they used to be mix
of picture files (.jpg, .png. and even .gifs)?

I think changed a lot recently. Not only their web site, but some parts of the API, too. They used to return multiple images per artist, from where I was able to pick the largest possible. But now they only return one single image. That might be part of the problem you're seeing. And yes, they seem to use png more and more often, even for pictures which obviously must have been jpg before (visible artifacts you wouldn't have with a lossless format like png).


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