JJZolx wrote: 
> I just purchased the app.
> It sees all the servers on my network (I'm currently running six
> instances of LMS, on two different machines.) and I selected the one I
> wanted in preferences. When I launch the app I get a long spinny, then
> just a blank menu. In the control bar below, where from the examples I
> would expect to see a player name, there's nothing.
> So, it appears that it's not connecting to the server. I tried selecting
> a different instance of LMS on the other machine, but it doesn't do
> anything. No spinny, nothing.
Can you access the browser based controls of the server from your

Try reinstalling the app. 

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Squeezebox apps for webOS, Android and Windows Phone,
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