Hi Neil,

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 5:48 PM, Neil Griffin
<neil.grif...@portletfaces.org> wrote:
> Hi Woonsan,
> Step 12 is "Release the bundle Zip file"
> https://github.com/apache/portals-pluto/blob/master/RELEASE-PROCEDURE.txt#L129-L146
> https://github.com/apache/portals-pluto/blob/master/RELEASE-PROCEDURE.txt#L148-L164
> Q1. I think I need to add a step in between that uploads
> pluto-3.0.0-source-release.zip to Nexus. Would you agree?

That's an option. But I don't think it is required to upload the the
source-release.zip to Nexus. It could be a convenient, automated
option though.
The reason why I suggested you upload the source-release.zip to
/dist/dev/... folder is because:
- assuming the existing build process generates source-release.zip
file already (based on the fact that there was 3.0.0
source-release.zip in /dist/releases/... folder before), it could be
easier for you just to copy the locally generated source-release.zip
to the temporary /dist/dev/... folder for voting purpose. No change to
improve the pom; just adding one more manual step for now, which seems
easier, quicker to me for now.
- An Apache release is basically a source release in
/dist/releases/... Binaries or maven artifacts in Nexus are for
convenience. Therefore, it is actually good to upload release
candidate source artifacts to /dist/dev/portals-pluto-3.0.1/ folder
for voting because it is just a matter of copying from the
/dist/dev/... folder to /dist/release/ folder in the end as part of
"14. Finalize release process" step for instance. Simpler than Nexus
directory in a sense in voting and post-voting process. However, if
you feel it's easier to upload the source-release.zip file to Nexus
and link to that in voting e-mail message, feel free to do so. Fine as
long as the source-release.zip is downloadable and verifiable.

> Q2. Is the "dist/dev" step you mentioned necessary? The release instructions
> don't mention "dist/dev" -- only "dist/release" in Step 14 (after the vote).

I explained it above. I thought it would be more convenient for you as
well, but feel free to upload it to Nexus if it's more convenient and
add links to those in voting e-mail message.



> Thank you,
> Neil
> On 5/15/18 3:51 AM, Woonsan Ko wrote:
>> Hi Neil,
>> Thank you very much for the elaborated answers.
>> I think the only thing required as minimum is to upload the
>> pluto-3.0.1-source-release.zip and its signature files (.asc, .sha) to
>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/portals/pluto/pluto-3.0.1/, and
>> put the link to the directory containing the source zip and signature
>> files, in the new VOTE e-mail message.
>> As I see pluto-3.0.0-source-release.zip in the release dist site, it
>> contains everything: portlet-api, pluto-portal and maven archetypes.
>> Therefore that should be good enough for our release process.
>> Please note that the files you upload should be moved to
>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/portals/ directory after
>> voting passed. In that way, we can be sure what's voted for is the
>> same as the real release files.
>> Git tag is secondary in the release process. It can be tampered on my
>> machine or on your machine. By uploading the
>> pluto-3.0.1-source-release.zip which you built locally to the dist
>> folder and verifying that together, we can be sure the release
>> artifacts are fine and we can move to the release distribution folder
>> as an official release.
>> In summary, would you be able to cut a new release and upload
>> pluto-3.0.x-source-release.zip to the /dev/portals directory? And
>> could you include the directory link where we can download from, for
>> verification in the next voting message?
>> Then I can proceed with verification and cast my vote afterward.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Woonsan
>> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 12:27 AM, Neil Griffin
>> <neil.grif...@portletfaces.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Woonsan,
>>> I tried adding this to portals-pluto/pom.xml and it didn't work:
>>>      <profile>
>>>        <id>apache-release</id>
>>>        <build>
>>>          <plugins>
>>>            <plugin>
>>>              <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>>              <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>>>              <configuration>
>>>                <runOnlyAtExecutionRoot>false</runOnlyAtExecutionRoot>
>>>              </configuration>
>>>            </plugin>
>>>          </plugins>
>>>        </build>
>>>      </profile>
>>> I also tried -DrunOnlyAtExecutionRoot=true on command line and it didn't
>>> work.
>>> In other words, when I run the release procedure from the top
>>> (portals-pluto/) the maven-assembly-plugin will only generate a
>>> "source-release" ZIP for pluto-3.0.1-source-release.zip and nothing else.
>>> Since that the only source-release ZIP that has been released in the
>>> past,
>>> shouldn't that be adequate for this 3.0.1 release?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Neil
>>> On 5/14/18 4:51 PM, Neil Griffin wrote:
>>>> Hi Woonsan,
>>>> Thank you for your efforts to make sure the release process is correct.
>>>> 1) Regarding the "source-release" bundles:
>>>> I *think* I found the problem as to why they are missing -- it is likely
>>>> due to the following config of the maven-assembly-plugin in the
>>>> apache-16
>>>> parent-most pom descriptor:
>>>>        <runOnlyAtExecutionRoot>true</runOnlyAtExecutionRoot>
>>>> See:
>>>> https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/apache/apache/16/apache-16.pom
>>>> Since we ran the Maven release plugin from the portals-pluto root, none
>>>> of
>>>> the jars like pluto-container-api.jar, etc. had the companion
>>>> "source-release" bundle.
>>>> The reason why the archetypes worked, is because I released them
>>>> individually from their respective "root" directories.
>>>> BTW, as far as I can determine, the "source-release" problem is not new.
>>>> It has been there for many years. For example, see:
>>>> https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.apache.portals.pluto%22%20AND%20a%3A%22pluto-container-api%22
>>>> Anyway, I'll fix it before re-releasing.
>>>> 2) Regarding Git, in the 3.0.0 release Scott pushed the 3.0.0 *commits*
>>>> for the vote, but _not_ the *tags* until the vote was final. That worked
>>>> well because he actually had to roll-back the release. I recommend we do
>>>> it
>>>> that way again.
>>>> -- Neil
>>>> On 5/14/18 11:53 AM, Woonsan Ko wrote:
>>>>> By the way, I'm not trying to block the way. ;-) I'm just trying to
>>>>> make a right release (process) this time.
>>>>> Please let me know if I can help with anything. I'll help to fix the
>>>>> (minimal) things to make a release as soon as possible. :-)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Woonsan
>>>>> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 11:39 AM, Woonsan Ko <woon...@apache.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 10:43 AM, Neil Griffin
>>>>>> <neil.grif...@portletfaces.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Woonsan,
>>>>>>> We followed the same process as we did for the 3.0.0 release.
>>>>>>> The "building from source" requirement would be accomplished by
>>>>>>> building
>>>>>>> source from a Git tag.
>>>>>> I don't think a Git tag can replace the requirement of a "valid
>>>>>> release package".
>>>>>> Pluto 3.0.0 release also contains a valid release package:
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/portals/pluto/pluto-3.0.0-source-release.zip
>>>>>>    From this voting email, I want to check if the release source
>>>>>> package
>>>>>> is valid as an Apache release.
>>>>>> I cannot find the candidate source package we want to release. There
>>>>>> are binary links only in your voting e-mail for the Pluto 3.0.1.
>>>>>> What's the point of this voting if I cannot verify the candidate
>>>>>> source packages by building, unit-testing, checking signatures,
>>>>>> checking license headers, ...?
>>>>>> Please give me the links to download all the *source packages* as
>>>>>> release candidate this time, which I can build, test, verify things.
>>>>>> Otherwise, I cannot proceed.
>>>>>>> However, the Git commits and tags have not been pushed to the Git
>>>>>>> repository
>>>>>>> yet, because of the following line:
>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/portals-pluto/blob/master/pom.xml#L649
>>>>>>> This was intentional, because it would allow us to roll back the
>>>>>>> release
>>>>>>> process if the voting process were to fail.
>>>>>> That might be okay, but again please upload the source packages you
>>>>>> built and staged somewhere. I cannot verify nor vote against binaries.
>>>>>> If possible, I recommend you to upload to
>>>>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/portals/pluto/... for voting,
>>>>>> and later move to /release/ folder after voting passed.
>>>>>> The source packages for which we vote should become the actual
>>>>>> releases in the end if vote passed. Neither files you have locally nor
>>>>>> a git tag.
>>>>>>> This approach also mirrors the concept of the "staging" repository
>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>> will not be released to Maven Central if the voting process were to
>>>>>>> fail.
>>>>>> Another approach is just to bump up the version to 3.0.2 if 3.0.1
>>>>>> voting failed and so 3.0.1 tag is not for a release. I don't see any
>>>>>> problem by having 3.0.1 tag exists as long as it's not published to
>>>>>> both maven repository and distribution site.
>>>>>>> I can provide evidence of the tags and git commits in my local Git
>>>>>>> repository if that would help.
>>>>>> Git commits or local files cannot help in our release voting and
>>>>>> process, IMO.
>>>>>> It's better and safer to upload all the source packages and let people
>>>>>> verify them before casting a vote.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Woonsan
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Neil
>>>>>>> On 5/14/18 10:29 AM, Woonsan Ko wrote:
>>>>>>>> -1
>>>>>>>> I couldn't find pluto-3.0.1 tag in
>>>>>>>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/portals-pluto.git. I wonder
>>>>>>>> how the release candidate artifacts were made. The master branch's
>>>>>>>> version was not bumped up to 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT either.
>>>>>>>> Even worse, there's a stopper in the root pom.xml [1]:
>>>>>>>>         <profile>
>>>>>>>>           <id>liferay</id>
>>>>>>>>           <dependencyManagement>
>>>>>>>>             <dependencies>
>>>>>>>>               <dependency>
>>>>>>>>                 <groupId>com.liferay.portal</groupId>
>>>>>>>> <artifactId>com.liferay.cdi.bean.portlet.extension</artifactId>
>>>>>>>>                 <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>>>>>>>               </dependency>
>>>>>>>>             </dependencies>
>>>>>>>>           </dependencyManagement>
>>>>>>>>           <repositories>
>>>>>>>>             <repository>
>>>>>>>>               <id>liferay-snapshots</id>
>>>>>>>>               <name>Liferay Snapshots</name>
>>>>>>>> <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url>
>>>>>>>>               <releases>
>>>>>>>>                 <enabled>false</enabled>
>>>>>>>>               </releases>
>>>>>>>>               <snapshots>
>>>>>>>>                 <enabled>true</enabled>
>>>>>>>>               </snapshots>
>>>>>>>>             </repository>
>>>>>>>>           </repositories>
>>>>>>>>         </profile>
>>>>>>>> Releases must not depend on a SNAPSHOT dependency. And the
>>>>>>>> com.liferay.cdi.bean.portlet.extension artifact has no clear
>>>>>>>> copyright
>>>>>>>> notice. So this is not acceptable.
>>>>>>>> If the 'liferay' profile is necessary for Liferay specific TCK
>>>>>>>> testing, I'd recommend you to move it out to a special documentation
>>>>>>>> explaining how to run Liferay specific TCK testing by configuring
>>>>>>>> those in user's settings.xml instead, not in the source
>>>>>>>> distribution.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Woonsan
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=portals-pluto.git;a=blob;f=pom.xml;h=1fb14997be03c4911ce97ebf0826f59f599a2198;hb=HEAD#l739
>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 3:06 PM, Neil Griffin
>>>>>>>> <neil.grif...@portletfaces.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Apache Portals Pluto Team and community,
>>>>>>>>> I've staged a release candidate for the new Apache Portals Pluto
>>>>>>>>> 3.0.1
>>>>>>>>> release.
>>>>>>>>> This release candidate includes:
>>>>>>>>> * Fully compliant Reference Implementation of the new Portlet 3.0
>>>>>>>>> Specification per JCR-362
>>>>>>>>>         https://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=362
>>>>>>>>> * Fully completed (and corrected) TCK (Test Compatibility Kit) for
>>>>>>>>> Portlet
>>>>>>>>> Spec 3.0
>>>>>>>>> * Updated portlet-api with associated Javadoc improvements
>>>>>>>>> * General bugfixes
>>>>>>>>> * Updated archetypes
>>>>>>>>> Please review the release candidate for this project which is
>>>>>>>>> spread
>>>>>>>>> across the following THREE maven staging repositories:
>>>>>>>>> 1) portlet-api and pluto-portal components and dependencies:
>>>>>>>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheportals-1018
>>>>>>>>> 2) pluto+tomcat bundle:
>>>>>>>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheportals-1019
>>>>>>>>>         (The bundle can be tested by unzipping it,
>>>>>>>>>          and running start.sh from the bin directory,
>>>>>>>>>          then navigating to http://localhost:8080/pluto
>>>>>>>>>          and login as pluto/pluto.)
>>>>>>>>> 3) maven archetypes:
>>>>>>>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheportals-1020
>>>>>>>>> The Release Notes are available here:
>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10560&version=12338908
>>>>>>>>> The KEYS file to verify the release artifacts signature can be
>>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>>> here:
>>>>>>>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/portals/pluto/KEYS
>>>>>>>>> Please review the release candidates and vote on releasing Apache
>>>>>>>>> Portals
>>>>>>>>> Pluto 3.0.1
>>>>>>>>> Seeing as how I am sending this on a Friday, the normal vote of 72
>>>>>>>>> hours
>>>>>>>>> seems unreasonable. Therefore I would like to extend the vote to 96
>>>>>>>>> hours.
>>>>>>>>> Please cast your vote:
>>>>>>>>> [ ] +1 for Release
>>>>>>>>> [ ]  0  for Don't care
>>>>>>>>> [ ] -1 Don't release (do provide a reason then)
>>>>>>>>> Best Regards to all,
>>>>>>>>> Neil
>>>>>> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 10:43 AM, Neil Griffin
>>>>>> <neil.grif...@portletfaces.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Woonsan,
>>>>>>> We followed the same process as we did for the 3.0.0 release.
>>>>>>> The "building from source" requirement would be accomplished by
>>>>>>> building
>>>>>>> source from a Git tag.
>>>>>>> However, the Git commits and tags have not been pushed to the Git
>>>>>>> repository
>>>>>>> yet, because of the following line:
>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/portals-pluto/blob/master/pom.xml#L649
>>>>>>> This was intentional, because it would allow us to roll back the
>>>>>>> release
>>>>>>> process if the voting process were to fail.
>>>>>>> This approach also mirrors the concept of the "staging" repository
>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>> will not be released to Maven Central if the voting process were to
>>>>>>> fail.
>>>>>>> I can provide evidence of the tags and git commits in my local Git
>>>>>>> repository if that would help.
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Neil
>>>>>>> On 5/14/18 10:29 AM, Woonsan Ko wrote:
>>>>>>>> -1
>>>>>>>> I couldn't find pluto-3.0.1 tag in
>>>>>>>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/portals-pluto.git. I wonder
>>>>>>>> how the release candidate artifacts were made. The master branch's
>>>>>>>> version was not bumped up to 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT either.
>>>>>>>> Even worse, there's a stopper in the root pom.xml [1]:
>>>>>>>>         <profile>
>>>>>>>>           <id>liferay</id>
>>>>>>>>           <dependencyManagement>
>>>>>>>>             <dependencies>
>>>>>>>>               <dependency>
>>>>>>>>                 <groupId>com.liferay.portal</groupId>
>>>>>>>> <artifactId>com.liferay.cdi.bean.portlet.extension</artifactId>
>>>>>>>>                 <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>>>>>>>               </dependency>
>>>>>>>>             </dependencies>
>>>>>>>>           </dependencyManagement>
>>>>>>>>           <repositories>
>>>>>>>>             <repository>
>>>>>>>>               <id>liferay-snapshots</id>
>>>>>>>>               <name>Liferay Snapshots</name>
>>>>>>>> <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url>
>>>>>>>>               <releases>
>>>>>>>>                 <enabled>false</enabled>
>>>>>>>>               </releases>
>>>>>>>>               <snapshots>
>>>>>>>>                 <enabled>true</enabled>
>>>>>>>>               </snapshots>
>>>>>>>>             </repository>
>>>>>>>>           </repositories>
>>>>>>>>         </profile>
>>>>>>>> Releases must not depend on a SNAPSHOT dependency. And the
>>>>>>>> com.liferay.cdi.bean.portlet.extension artifact has no clear
>>>>>>>> copyright
>>>>>>>> notice. So this is not acceptable.
>>>>>>>> If the 'liferay' profile is necessary for Liferay specific TCK
>>>>>>>> testing, I'd recommend you to move it out to a special documentation
>>>>>>>> explaining how to run Liferay specific TCK testing by configuring
>>>>>>>> those in user's settings.xml instead, not in the source
>>>>>>>> distribution.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Woonsan
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=portals-pluto.git;a=blob;f=pom.xml;h=1fb14997be03c4911ce97ebf0826f59f599a2198;hb=HEAD#l739
>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 3:06 PM, Neil Griffin
>>>>>>>> <neil.grif...@portletfaces.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Apache Portals Pluto Team and community,
>>>>>>>>> I've staged a release candidate for the new Apache Portals Pluto
>>>>>>>>> 3.0.1
>>>>>>>>> release.
>>>>>>>>> This release candidate includes:
>>>>>>>>> * Fully compliant Reference Implementation of the new Portlet 3.0
>>>>>>>>> Specification per JCR-362
>>>>>>>>>         https://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=362
>>>>>>>>> * Fully completed (and corrected) TCK (Test Compatibility Kit) for
>>>>>>>>> Portlet
>>>>>>>>> Spec 3.0
>>>>>>>>> * Updated portlet-api with associated Javadoc improvements
>>>>>>>>> * General bugfixes
>>>>>>>>> * Updated archetypes
>>>>>>>>> Please review the release candidate for this project which is
>>>>>>>>> spread
>>>>>>>>> across the following THREE maven staging repositories:
>>>>>>>>> 1) portlet-api and pluto-portal components and dependencies:
>>>>>>>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheportals-1018
>>>>>>>>> 2) pluto+tomcat bundle:
>>>>>>>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheportals-1019
>>>>>>>>>         (The bundle can be tested by unzipping it,
>>>>>>>>>          and running start.sh from the bin directory,
>>>>>>>>>          then navigating to http://localhost:8080/pluto
>>>>>>>>>          and login as pluto/pluto.)
>>>>>>>>> 3) maven archetypes:
>>>>>>>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheportals-1020
>>>>>>>>> The Release Notes are available here:
>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10560&version=12338908
>>>>>>>>> The KEYS file to verify the release artifacts signature can be
>>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>>> here:
>>>>>>>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/portals/pluto/KEYS
>>>>>>>>> Please review the release candidates and vote on releasing Apache
>>>>>>>>> Portals
>>>>>>>>> Pluto 3.0.1
>>>>>>>>> Seeing as how I am sending this on a Friday, the normal vote of 72
>>>>>>>>> hours
>>>>>>>>> seems unreasonable. Therefore I would like to extend the vote to 96
>>>>>>>>> hours.
>>>>>>>>> Please cast your vote:
>>>>>>>>> [ ] +1 for Release
>>>>>>>>> [ ]  0  for Don't care
>>>>>>>>> [ ] -1 Don't release (do provide a reason then)
>>>>>>>>> Best Regards to all,
>>>>>>>>> Neil

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