Not sure if anyone is interested in this info, but thought I'd post as I
find pmacct and bwstat both useful tools. My queries are now completing in
under .05 seconds. I'll describe what I did and if anyone would like more
details let me know.

Currently with 3 million+ rows in my table, bwstats queries doing full table
scans did not suffice. I tried Vladimir's patches and seen minor
improvements although queries per IP were still taking 10-20+ seconds with
the table cached in memory (much much longer from disk). The cause of this
is that the LIKE method used in the queries on the 'stamp_inserted' column
being datetime. Even with MySQL utilizing it's merge function with indexes
this did not suffice. In addition alot of the indexes added to the table by
that patch were not required either, consuming buffer blocks in memory,
delayed inserts by pmacct on a busy system as well as consuming table space.

Having already altered the tables with the keys in Vlad's patch, I dropped
all indexes, as well all all primary keys on the table. I then created two
multi column indexes on ip_src,stamp_inserted and ip_dst,stamp_inserted.
This alone improved the standard bwstat queries 40-50% in execution time.
Next I modified the queries to use between datetime data which allows MySQL
to properly utilize the created indexes on selects from the pmacct table.
This improved execution time from an average of 10-20 seconds depends on
location of the data in the buffer cache to < 0.05 seconds per query.

This has opened up the option of letting me graph data on the fly utilizing
the already implemented functions in bwstat for pmacct, as opposed to
running offline reporting which was consuming considerable resources where
not required. I'd like to thank Vladimir (not sure if he still follows this
list) for his efforts which motivated me to improve on his work.

I can elaborate on the specifics if anyone feels this could benefit
improving performance on large tables, let me know.

Matthew Will
pmacct-discussion mailing list

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