
I have a problem with pmacct acting as a NetFlow agent/probe.
I want to monitor traffic passing a cisco 4900. The probe is connected
to the switch with 10Gbps link and on the switch there is a span port
configured. Also I am using PF_RING on the probe and pmacct is compiled
with custom libpcap provided with the PF_RING. 
The problem is that despite the fact that the interface gets from the
switch traffic up to 3.3 Gbps (707Kpps) the pmacct reports up to 850Mbps
(200Kpps, 50k flows/s).
I have tried to modify the plugin_pipe_size, plugin_buffer_size,
snaplen, changed the agregate config, nfprobe timeouts, maxflows,
version and nothing helped. I get best results with just the simplest
config but the I have a lot of errors like this:

May 31 09:16:09 sonda-plix pmacctd[19736]: ERROR ( all/nfprobe ): We are
missing data.
May 31 09:16:09 sonda-plix pmacctd[19736]: If you see this message once
in a while, discard it. Otherwise some solutions follow:
May 31 09:16:09 sonda-plix pmacctd[19736]: - increase shared memory
size, 'plugin_pipe_size'; now: '3407664'.
May 31 09:16:09 sonda-plix pmacctd[19736]: - increase buffer size,
'plugin_buffer_size'; now: '208'.
May 31 09:16:09 sonda-plix pmacctd[19736]: - increase system maximum
socket size.#012

When I increase the plugin_pipe_size the reported the errors stops, but
the results drops dramaticly.

Also, the softflowd has a softwlowctl to check statistics of the
netflows (active flows, processed packets etc.). Is there a posibility
to check those values with pmacct?

The probe is a:
Linux sonda-plix 3.0.0-19-server #33-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 19 20:32:48 UTC
2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
1 cpu with 4 cores Intel Xeon CPU 2.33GHz
MemTotal:       16461176 kB

pmacct config file:

daemonize: true
interface: eth2
syslog: daemon
snaplen: 1600

plugins: nfprobe[all]
!plugin_buffer_size: 10240
!plugin_pipe_size: 81920000
!plugin_pipe_size[all]: 409600000

nfprobe_version[all]: 9
nfprobe_maxflows[all]: 3000000

networks_file: ./parsed_bgp
nfacctd_as_new: true

cat /proc/net/pf_ring/info 
PF_RING Version     : 5.3.0 ($Revision: exported$)
Ring slots          : 1024000
Slot version        : 13
Capture TX          : No [RX only]
IP Defragment       : No
Socket Mode         : Quick
Transparent mode    : No (mode 2)
Total rings         : 1
Total plugins       : 0

cat /proc/net/pf_ring/19854-eth2.3 
Bound Device(s)    : eth2
Slot Version       : 13 [5.3.0]
Active             : 1
Breed              : Non-DNA
Sampling Rate      : 1
Capture Direction  : RX+TX
Socket Mode        : RX+TX
Appl. Name         : <unknown>
IP Defragment      : No
BPF Filtering      : Enabled
# Sw Filt. Rules   : 0
# Hw Filt. Rules   : 0
Poll Pkt Watermark : 1
Num Poll Calls     : 66046731
Channel Id         : -1
Cluster Id         : 0
Min Num Slots      : 1315855
Bucket Len         : 1600
Slot Len           : 1632 [bucket+header]
Tot Memory         : -2147483648
Tot Packets        : 276323830
Tot Pkt Lost       : 0
Tot Insert         : 276323830
Tot Read           : 276323499
Insert Offset      : 1101487239
Remove Offset      : 1101319525
Tot Fwd Ok         : 0
Tot Fwd Errors     : 0
Num Free Slots     : 1315524

I am exporting the netflows to nfsen collector.

Could You please help me with this problem?


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