Hi Derrick,

Perfect. About your questions:

1. src_host, dst_host and src_net, dst_net are mutual exclusive in the
   sense they are multiplexed on the same field. If you remove src_net
   and dst_net from the 'aggregate' you will get individual hosts. If
   you also need IP prefixes readily available (ie. you don't want to
   bother applying masks to IP addresses) you can fire a second plugin
   that accounts on IP prefixes (so remove src_host, dst_host from the
   'aggregate' there). Let me know if this would work for you.

2. Sure: you are looking for bgp_agent_map directive. Look CONFIG-KEYS
   and 'examples/agent_to_peer.map.example' for further info.


On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 07:37:27PM -0700, Derrick Sawyer wrote:
> Hey Paolo,
> My apologies, that did the trick.  I thought I had all the necessary
> configurations but overlooked that one. Your right as-path is working but
> the src as-path is what I really needed.
> I also have another couple of questions:
> 1.  How do I obtain the actual src/dst host IP?  What is being captured is
> the IP network not the IP host.
> 2. Is there a way to map bgp lookups?  I have several routers and would
> like particular flows from a router to have pmacctd do the the src as-path
> lookup on that router.
> I can post these questions in a new thread if that is preferable.
> Also thanks for the quick response!
> Best,
> --Derrick

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