Am 27.02.2016 um 17:08 schrieb
> In the end we setup sfacctd listen on a port and nfacctd on the other.  But I 
> am wondering if it's possible to fulfill previous requirement?  This feature 
> is useful for ease (a little bit) of router setting.
This would only work if you are running a software that is aware of
netflow AND sflow packets.

But you are trying to run two separate processes (nfacctd + sfacctd) on
a similar UDP port. The first process will open the port and will
receive the UDP packets. The second process won't be able to open the
same port again and will terminate.

Maybe you can find a UDP proxy tool that creates a virtual network
interface and duplicates all the traffic towards two separate ports on a
virtual network interface (tun0).

It wouldn't be very difficult to write such a tool but it would
definitely be more work than a router configuration and would introduce
new potential problems :)


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