
I recently tried creating a setup where I have an instance of nfacctd
running that has a pretag.map that I want to look at the value of
mpls_vpn_rd as determined from the IPFIX record and then set a tag. The
plan is to then use the tee plugin to send the IPFIX traffic to a different
nfacctd instance based on the tag set. I can get more into why we’re doing
this if interested, but I ran into a snag that I can’t seem to figure out
on my own. nfacctd doesn’t seems to like when I add mpls_vpn_rd to the
pretag.map. I get messages like:

[/etc/pmacct/pretag.map:3] unknown key 'mpls_vpn_rd'. Ignored.

The pretag.map is pretty vanilla. Just lines like:

set_tag=1 mpls_vpn_rd=<VRFID>

My nfacctd.conf:

! Port where nfacctd listens
nfacctd_port: 9996

! Adds debugging output to logs. Disable in production.
debug: true

! tag flow values to determine where tee sends them next
pre_tag_map: /etc/pmacct/pretag.map

plugins: tee
tee_receivers: /etc/pmacct/tee_receivers.lst
tee_transparent: true

I went so far as to copy the exact mpls_vpn_rd line from the example in the
git repo just to see if it would accept it and it still complained. From
looking at the documentation looks like mpls_vpn_rd should be allowed in
nfacctd (I think?). I tried following the code path in the source but was
having trouble telling which “Ignored” message was getting triggered, and
figured maybe I was better off just asking before I got too far down the
rabbit hole.

Is a pretag.map with mpls_vpn_rd supported by nfacctd? If yes, any ideas
where to look next? Or any other info I should send?

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