just to correct my last reply: the FIELDS should be taken for the 
individual layers of a group, but not the HEADER.


luca marletta wrote:
> Hi all,
> just now I try to perform  some test with the pmapper function for
> joining mysql table.
> I got some result but there is something that woks not as expected.
> here is my mapfile
>       NAME "mysqltest"
>       GROUP "cartografia"
>       STATUS ON
>       DATA "/var/www/map/dati/mysqljointest"
>       MINSCALE 400    
>       TEMPLATE void
>       METADATA
>               "DESCRIPTION"  "mysqljointtest"
>               "RESULT_HEADERS" "Descrizione,MySQL"
>               "RESULT_JOIN"
> "mysql://<user>:<password>@localhost/joinpmapper||pmapper at [EMAIL 
>       END
>       CLASS
>               NAME "mysqltest"
>               STYLE
>                       COLOR 255 0 0
>                       OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>               END
>       END
> I've prepared a shape field on purpose with the filed for joining as
> number and works well for the main part
> the problem is that the "RESULT_HEADERS" "Descrizione,MySQL" doesn't work
> (there are not the new header I added) and also the "RESULT_FIELDS"
> "ED,DESCRIZIONE" seems strange because I got 3 fields not 2, and the
> order is not as planned
> first I suggest for testing to use not a text field for join on
> because char coding play tricks
> I'll go on with some test and after I will write the result on wiki
> and I'm also wondering why others don't do it.
> for who don't know wiki are software for manage multi authoring, that
> is the purpose.
> everyone can register and get e password and I'm sure that Armin is
> not jealous of that space if someone try to write also for not
> completely correct lines.
> luca

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