Hi all

I have been working a bit more on p.mapper 2 to get closer to a final 
version 2.0 It includes, as already mentioned some days ago, the patches 
by Federico Nieri for W3C XHTML compliance. If setting 
'session.use_trans_sid = 0' in php.ini it now passes the tests successfully.

Major changes were the re-structured query. The query output is no 
longer HTML but a JSON string (see http://www.json.org for details). The 
output is then formatted to HTML via Javascript functions parsing the 
JSON objects. One could also use PHP instead. This makes it much more 
easier to display the query results in different layouts, it just needs 
to write 1 or 2 Javascript functions. Also export into eg. Excel (via 
PHP PEAR extension) or CSV should be quite straightforward.

These changes were quite deep for the whole query part and there might 
be some bugs left, especially with more exotic layer definitions (like 
WMS, XY layers). So everybody is welcome to test the dev version with 
his layer combinations and report bugs.

Some smaller bug fixes were
* works now also with Postgis layers without OID field
* zoom slider is updated with map resize
* PDF printing works also with new tmp image file creation
* XY layers (are there any users of it?) should work again,
   also with search

Some remaining problems are eg. the use of Iframes (infoWin = frame) for 
query results, this is currently not working correctly. And the window 
resize with IE should be modified like it is in pm 1. And 1-n joins, 
once they will come back...

the latest zip is at


Best regards


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