luca marletta wrote:
> On 6/12/06, Armin Burger <armin.burger at> wrote:
>> Some smaller bug fixes were
>> * works now also with Postgis layers without OID field
>> * zoom slider is updated with map resize
>> * PDF printing works also with new tmp image file creation
>> * XY layers (are there any users of it?) should work again,
>>    also with search
> Hi Armin, thanks for your work on this release.
> YES I'm try to use xy layer and I think it's worth a lot but can you
> explain us a bit technically speaking where the coordinate are saved
> (if they are anyplace)? are they tied to the session or PC cache or
> cookie?
> luca

Ciao Luca,

XY Layers (I didn't find a better name...) are database tables with X 
and Y columns. Like 'event layers' in ArcView. I thought once that they 
were documented, but I do not find them any more in the doc file.

All databases supported by PHP PEAR should work (except maybe the search 
on MDB files referenced as ODBC where I did not find the reason why it's 
not working). Maybe I once should include a SQLite version of the cities 
dataset in the demo data.

I think there is now also something similar provided by OGR (something 
like 'virtual datasets'), so they might not be really needed any more.


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