why don't you just put all your hotspot tiffs into an image catalog
(strangely called 'tileindex' in mapserver). And then use this tileindex
shapefile for zooming to the desired initial extent, using the functionality
to start the application zoomed onto an initial extent (there was a posting
2 days ago with regard to this function).

this functionality requires currently pmapper version 1, it's not included
in version 2 yet. Since you do not mention which one you are using (as at
least half of all others on this list), I cannot say if this is then working
for you.


> --- Urspr?ngliche Nachricht ---
> Von: "Dejan Gambin" <dejan.gambin at pula.hr>
> An: <pmapper-users at faunalia.it>
> Betreff: [Pmapper-users] Dynamic map creation in pmapper
> Datum: Wed, 17 May 2006 21:24:47 +0200
> Hi,
> I have an imagemap with 100 hotspot areas. Each hotspot is rectangular
> area
> represented by one tiff file (about 170MB in size including built-in
> overviews). When user clicks on a hotspot the map with this area should be
> dsiplayed (maybe its neighbours too if this is not too complicated). 
> So, I have generated the imagemap and the Javascript needed to open the
> pmapper window with proper arguments on user click. But what about the map
> files? I wouldn't like to have to generate a hundred of map files. May I
> create the map file dynamically? Where to put the code?
> thanks very much
> dejan
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