Hello all.

In a map I show points which are retrieved
from a mysql database.
After a while, I get the error message:
Warning:  [MapServer Error]: msOGRFileNextShape(): MySQL error message:MySQL 
server has gone away

I suspect that pmapper stores the connection to mysql
in the session and after a while, it expires.

Is this correct?

The reason I belive this is that in the begining the error
does not apear. Only after a couple of minutes it starts

The connection and the sql query is specified in a ovf file.
The map uses the OGR driver to get the data.

After a discussion in the mapserver mailing list, it seems
that the problem is in pmapper and not in mapserver.

As an evidence of this, the url:

shows the data fine without any errors.

Also, if I use the cgi interface to mapserver,
as in this url:
the map is displayed without any errors.

Could someone confirm my hypothesis about the storage of the connection
in the session?

If you want to see the problem, visit:


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