This is unfortunately due to using the jQuery suggest plugin that did 
not foresee to have 2 or more suggest fields on a page. I will see for v 
3.3 if and how it can be solved. There is in addition an issue with the 
caching that applies to all suggest fields and makes it useless 
currently using more than 1 suggest. For now - if no one else provides a 
patch - it will remain like it is.


On 13/02/2008 19:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi i'm working with pmapper 3.2 beta 4 and i'm using the
> "suggest" type in search.xml; I noted that if i use 2 fields
> (for the same layer, shape file) in "suggest" type, when i
> write in the first combo box (the combo box of the first
> field) the suggest list is located under the second combo
> box (the combo box of the second field), i don't know
> why...anybody could help me???
> thanks all,
> marco zanieri

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