Is pmapper still working or You have to restart apache? In my case, at the 
past, after "too many open files error" I had to restart apache.

Now after the Klement's patch and correct configuration of RESULT_HEADERS and 
RESULT_FIELDS in mapfile the problem has gone. 

On Thursday 14 February 2008 13:16, zucchiatti wrote:
> Hi Armin and folks
> I have a problem similar to other threads found on this and mapserver forum
> but I think differently.
> In my application, I loaded several layers by tileindex. Pmapper
> occasionally generates this error:
> Warning: require_once (.. / globals.php) [ function.require-once
> function.require-once
> </ A>]: failed to open stream: bts / srv / www / htdocs / pmap / incphp /
> xajax / x_load.php
> Followed by
> On line 49
> Fatal error: require_once () [ function.require  function.require </ a>]:
> Failed opening
> Required '.. / globals.php' (include_path ='.:/ usr/share/php5: /
> usr/share/php5/PEAR ') in / srv / www / htdocs
> / Pmap / incphp / xajax / x_load.php on line 49
> The problem may be caused by mapserver settings ?
> Thanks in advance

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