I made now some tests and could not reproduce neither of your problems. 
If I define in pmMapSelectSettings

and in php.ini session.use-cookies is set to 0 then the default 
groups/layers are correctly activated after changing to another map. You 
can check that also by looking at the source code of the page and the JS 
var PMap.defGroupList.

Also the permanent adding of and ampersand to the end of the config=xyz 
does not happen for me. But I guess there are settings (in PHP? Apache?) 
where the ampersand is added automatically, don't know why. In this case 
your patch works correctly, otherwise it removes the needed ampersand. 
In worst cases one can change the line

window.location = configUrl;
window.location = configUrl.replace(/&&/, '&');

I will add the possibility to delete all session variables (or just 
specified ones), so this should then work even in case of use_cookies=1.


On 20/03/2008 08:17, Geografisches Informationssystem wrote:
> Hello p.mappers ;-),
> I found out in (my) installation 3.2.0 with the plugin "mapSelect", that
> at every change of the config an '&' is added to the variable searchLoc
> i.e.
> 1st change it is;
> 2nd it is
> 3rd it is   ;
> and so on. Doesn't look pretty.
> Fixed it with adding the "&"  to the replace statement in line 29 (?):
>       configUrl +=
> searchLoc.replace(/config=[a-zA-Z0-9\_&]+/,'config=' + $(this).val());
> Don't know what side effect this may have. This or "a professional
> workaround" should be added to the plugins' source;-).
> The second problem with the plugin is, that after an change no layers
> are selected. I think that at least the initial layers coming out of the
> config.ini (= variable "defGroups" ) should be activated by adding
> "&dg=blabla,blublu" to the variable "configUrl" of the plugin.
> Any idea?
> Thanx & happy easter
> Guido
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