why don't you just use the normal non-ascii characters, without fiddling 
around with HTML entities (since UTF support of all browsers this should 
be a relict of the HTML stone age...)? p.mapper tries to work with most 
type of characters, the PDF print at least works with all Latin 
characters tested so far and also with Cyrillic alphabet. Chinese is not 
working but I guess that's related to the used font in TCPDF.


On 15/05/2008 22:07, Luigi Castro Cardeles wrote:
> Hi list,
> i was trying to put special characters (ç, é etc) on toc and on pdf print.
> To solve that, i use html entities on description (inside mapfile) . that
> change works for html print and toc but for pdf print no good.
> finally i chance pdfprint.php (incphp/print/pdfprint.php) at line 300
> original
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> // Putput PDF
>                     $this->Image($icoUrl, $x, $y, $icoW, $icoH);
>                     $this->SetXY($x + $icoW + 5, $y + 6);
>                     $this->SetFont($this->defaultFontType, "B",
> $this->defaultFontSize);
>                     $grpDescription = $grp->getDescription();
>                     $this->Cell(0, 0, $grpDescription);
>                     $y += 18;   // y-difference between GROUPS
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> new (yellow)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>                     // Putput PDF
>                     $this->Image($icoUrl, $x, $y, $icoW, $icoH);
>                     $this->SetXY($x + $icoW + 5, $y + 6);
>                     $this->SetFont($this->defaultFontType, "B",
> $this->defaultFontSize);
>                     $grpDescription1 = $grp->getDescription();
>                     $grpDescription =
> html_entity_decode($grpDescription1,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8');
>                     $this->Cell(0, 0, $grpDescription);
>                     $y += 18;   // y-difference between GROUPS
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> best regards,
> Luigi Castro Cardeles
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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