Dear users, 
I am using pmapper 3.2.0 and want to know how to get in a variable values from 
map extent, url, language and config that are calculated for the local variable 
linkhref (current_maplink) in the pm_cjs.js file.

The purpose is being able to open the viewer in a different languaje
but conserving some properties (layers opened, map extent,
configuration) and only changing the language and  the application
(for example from http://localhost/App1_en to http://localhost/App1_fr). 
To do that I assume it is neccesary to get the parameters to open a new browser 
in a variable and make the appropriate changes to open the viewer properly. 

Is the source (https...js) an ajax script? i tried creating a javascript 
function inside the pm_cjs file, and modifying the string linkhref adding for 
example: linkhref+'&language=fr' 

Gustavo C. Boselli


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