The result is as you noticed transfered as JSON string. The description 
of the format and a better eradable sample output is available from the file


This should allow you to structure the code in the way you want by 
defining you custom Javascript function for it. Have a look at the the 
jQuery site and the available plugins. There are for sure various tab 
plugins available from small/simple to big/fully-featured.

When I will find some time I might have a quick look how to achieve 
this, shouldn't be too complicated. You could create a ticket on the pm 
Trac as enhancement request, so it will not get lost and I can remember it.


On 09/01/2009 22:05, Nahum Castro wrote:
> I Want to format the results from a query presented on a dynwin.
> What I want to achive is a result page with tabs for every layer and
> pagination on the results, i have found thar x_info.php produces the
> results in the form:
> {'mode':'query', 'queryResult':[ [
> {"name": "regiones", "description": "regiones", "header":
> ["@","gid","regsdsh","count"], "values": [ [{"shplink":
> ["regiones","2","220882.68718598+2290308.2647369+348680.86685145+2418184.0280652"]},
> "2", "2", "5"]]} ,
> {"name": "municipios", "description": "municipios", "header":
> ["@","gid","mun","nombre","marginacion","region"], "values": [
> [{"shplink": 
> ["municipios","17","221306.16622011+2338173.7855666+311003.62288478+2417760.5489982"]},
> "17", "030", "San Felipe", "A", "2"]]} ,
> {"name": "localidades", "description": "localidades", "header":
> ["@","gid","nombre","municipio","poblacion_total","poblacion_60_an_mas","hablantes_l_indigena","hacinamiento","promedio_escolar","marginacion"],
> "values": [ [{"shplink":
> ["localidades","6292","242716.49211654+2341280.6411738+262716.49211654+2361280.6411738"]},
> "6292", "Las Avispas", "San Felipe", "57", "1", "0", "2.04", "3.1",
> "Muy alto"]]}
> What I need to know to modify the code so i can show regiones,
> municipios and localidades layers on diferent tabs and paginate the
> results?
> I think this code uses json
> Some times i get a lot of rows and the result page becomes very large.
> Thanks.
> --
> Nahum Castro González
> León, Guanajuato, México
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