On 02/07/2009 15:34, Παναγιωτόπουλος Ανδρέας wrote:
> Hello to all!
> I use pmapper v.3.2 and it works very well. I would like to integrate the
> "resizeable main containers" of v.4 to mine.
> How I can do this? I show pmapper v.4 and I noticed that it has a different
> file structure from v.3.2
> Could anyone help me to integrate this function (resize main Map) to my
> pmapper?
> Thank you in advance!
> Andreas P.


p.mapper 3 uses its own layout scheme. To adapt this to the new layout 
with resize might be difficult. But then why not directly swap to v4? 
Would be much less hassle. The wiki has an update page that explains 
what to update for the config (mainly the ini to xml conversion, but 
there's a script for that).


PS: would you like to create the Greek language file?

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