On 02/12/2009 21:33, Armin Burger wrote:
> On 02/12/2009 13:25, Fco. Javier García Ricca wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to know if is possible to open a hiperlink in a floating
>> window. Can i make a javascript to do it? How can I do it?
>> Thanks
> In general see here for hyperlinks:
> http://svn.pmapper.net/trac/wiki/DocManual#Hyperlinks
> I guess with 'floating window' you mean the standard dialog (like for 
> queries, print etc). If the hyperlink url is pointing to a site on the 
> same server where the p.mapper application is hosted then it works. 
> There were several explanations and a full example how to use the 
> dialogs ('PM.Dlg.createDnRDlg...') in previous postings and the 
> descriptions should have been added to the wiki.
> Otherwise it will not work directly because the content of the dialog 
> window is filled via an AJAX call. And Ajax calls do not allow to load 
> external (cross-domain) URL's. This would just be possible via a proxy 
> script (using e.g. PHP and curl calls) but that would be a bit much to 
> discuss the details here, just google for 'ajax proxy'.

and just to complete for the case of cross-domain urls: instead of an 
Ajax proxy you could also load a PHP script passing the remote url as 
GET parameter and create a simple HTML page with an IFrame using as 
"src" the remote url. This has the advantage that also all styles and 
Javascript files etc are transfered.


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