On 16/12/2009 20:04, G. Allegri wrote:
> Hello list.
> Before spending too much time on this, I would like to know if the
> trunk beta supports this thing:
> I have a big postgis table with a time series (TS) associated with a
> polygonal grid layer. For each polygon/cell I have multiple rows in
> the TS table. Let's say I have the list od daily rainfall.
> I need to let the user query the TS table to see if there is ANY cell
> where the daily rainfall have exceeded a certain threshold.
> (The truth is that I have many TS tables, coming from different
> simulations, and one single vector layer...)
> So, the user should be able to do a Search for Rainfall values higher
> then X, and receive all the cells where it happens.
> The actual code seems to offer many ways to deal with multiple joins,
> but nothing seems to respond to my need. Am I wrong? Is this already
> available or should I code it?

There is no special support for joins in Postgis layers in p.mapper, 
just use the functionality of the database for all sorts of joins and be 
aware of the special settings for this in the DATA parameter map file. I 
usually use DB views that do all the join definitions instead of 
defining the join in the map file. If the search does exactly what you 
want I cannot say, but you can define the full SQL statement in the 
search definition. Just check the docs and samples.


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