I finally checked MS 5.6 with Postgis layers and you are right. It will 
not work since there was a change in MS 5.6 for querying RDBMS based 
layers. The problem is that the highlight function requires the indexes 
of the records for retrieving just the features that shall be added to 
the dynamically added highlighting layer. This unfortunately does not 
work any more in 5.6 because the indexes retrieved are not the values 
from the filed defined with "USING UNIQUE..." but just starting with 0 
and going up to the numbers of results. For shape layers it still is as 
it was before.

I will have to see how this can be fixed, or avoid this method for 
Postgis layers and use another method for it.

So far I would suggest to avoid 5.6 with Postgis layers or if you 
compile MS by yourself, replace the mappostgis.c in 5.6 with the latest 
5.4 version.


On 19/02/2010 17:07, Nahum Castro wrote:
> 2010/2/19 Armin Burger<armin.bur...@gmx.net>
>> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=%22map%2Fmap.php+on+line+813%22
>> ;-)
>> I have already tried that.
> even I modified line 794,  who gives same error. Note these errors on lines
> 794 and 813 only ocurr with 5.6.1.
> Seems not related, i have found this behavior only on mapserver/mapscript
> 5.6.1
> I tried the following configurations:
> php 5.2.11, mapserver 5.2.1 works
> php 5.2.11, mapserver 5.4.2 works
> php 5.3.1, mapserver 5.2.1 works
> php 5.3.1, mapserver 5.42 works
> php 5.2.11, mapserver 5.6.1 don't work
> php 5.3.1, mapserver 5.6.1 don't work
> Seem to be related to mapserver, mapscript 5.6.1 but i do not how?
> The only thing i have found trought wireshark are the mapserver querys to
> postgresql
> this is the first one:
> select * from (select * from municipios) as foo where false limit 0;
>   gid | the_geom | nombre | superficie_km2 | localidades_urbanas |
> localidades_ru
> rales | poblacion_total | densidad_poblacion | poblacion_60_an_mas |
> hablantes_l
> _indigena | hacinamiento | promedio_escolar | marginacion
> -----+----------+--------+----------------+---------------------+---------------
> ------+-----------------+--------------------+---------------------+------------
> ----------+--------------+------------------+-------------
> (0 filas)
> and this one:
> select
> "gid","nombre","superficie_km2","localidades_urbanas","localidades_rurales","poblacion_total","densidad_poblacion","poblacion_60_an_mas","hablantes_l_indigena","hacinamiento","promedio_escolar","marginacion",encode(AsBinary(force_collection(force_2d("the_geom")),'NDR'),'hex')
> as geom,"gid" from (select * from municipios) as foo where "gid" = 0;
>   gid | nombre | superficie_km2 | localidades_urbanas | localidades_rurales |
> pob
> lacion_total | densidad_poblacion | poblacion_60_an_mas |
> hablantes_l_indigena |
>   hacinamiento | promedio_escolar | marginacion | geom | gid
> -----+--------+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+----
> -------------+--------------------+---------------------+----------------------+
> --------------+------------------+-------------+------+-----
> (0 filas)
> Result window still draw cells but is empty.
> Thanks

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