
Back on October 14, someone posted a problem with zoom2extent, but he 
apparently got it working on his own before you could answer. I just got the 
same exact behavior when I recently upgraded to 4.1.1... never seen it before 
in 2 years of using pmapper.
The function call to zoom2extent from the Result window is putting a number and 
@ in front of the second parameter.

For example, looking up layer=pipeline gid=14563, the function call is 
constructed as zoom2extent('pipelines', '4...@14563',...) rather than the 
expected zoom2extent('pipelines', '14563',...)

Curiously, this only happens when the Result window is derived from the 
Identify or Select menu bar.   The same Result window derived from a Search 
works just fine.

Your help would be much appreciated!!

Chris Domangue 


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