Hello all,

I'm in the process of setting up p.mapper for a client who wishes to map
potentially sensitive data to authenticated users.  

Users will need to be authenticated against an SQL db residing at
another location so I was looking to steer away from .htaccess based
ideas.  If anyone has any pre-existing suggestions, I'd be happy to hear

Below are some ideas for developing an authentication solution (if
anyone is interested in discussing this further, please read on...)

At present, I've added a login.php and logout.php which authenticate and
set php session variables.  It shouldn't be hard to adjust all php pages
so that they only function if the user is logged in, else re-directing
them to a login page.  

My problem at the moment is how to stop people from accessing the
rendered images in the /tmp folder.  If someone (unauthenticated)
managed to guess a filename under the /tmp folder, they'd be able to see
previously rendered maps.  The only solution I've thought of so far to
this is to stop apache from serving files directly from this folder and
instead write some php which reads the correct image and then squeezes
it out through GD functions or similar (after checking that the user is
authed obviously).  

I suspect I'll end up developing further the idea above unless there is
something out there that does this already and it would be great to hear
any thoughts for improvement / criticism from any developers (p.mapper
or otherwise) on the mailing list.  

Kind regards,

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