I found in trunk one new plugin : selectionManagement  !!!
First of all very useful tool.
I test it. I have pmapper 4.1.1 and I download only the new plug in 
( selectionManagement) and selectTools.inc.php.
I works perfect with shp but I have problems with Postgis layer.
the php error:
[07-Apr-2011 15:27:33] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to 
draw layer named 'pmapper_reslayer'. in 
C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.1.1b\incphp\map\map.php on line 326[07-Apr-2011 
15:27:33] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]: msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Error 
(ERROR:  syntax error at or near "AAAAAA77"LINE 1: ...2247703437 
3986818.5546875))',2100) and (gid IN (2AAAAAA77,4...                            
                                 ^) executing query: select 
encode(AsBinary(force_collection(force_2d("the_geom")),'NDR'),'hex') as 
geom,"gid" from deh.grammes_metaforas where the_geom && 
GeomFromText('POLYGON((34260.2247703437 3986818.5546875,34260.2247703437 
4520754.1015625,800692.43147965 4520754.1015625,800692.43147965 
3986818.5546875,34260.2247703437 3986818.5546875))',2100) and (gid IN 
 C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.1.1b\incphp\map\map.php on line 326

Is there anyone can imagine what is wrong ?
Postgis layer:

LAYER    NAME "GM"    GROUP "D"    STATUS on    CONNECTIONTYPE postgis        
CONNECTION "user=test dbname=gisdb host=localhost password=******"    DATA 
"the_geom FROM gm USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=2100"    TYPE LINE        UNITS 
SIZEUNITS METERS    FILTER "tasi='150 kV'"        PROJECTION     
"init=epsg:2100"    END    METADATA      "wms_name" "GM"      "wms_title"  "GM" 
  "LAYER_ENCODING" "ISO-8859-7"      "wms_srs"    "EPSG:2100"        
"wms_encoding" "ISO-8859-7"       "wms_group_title" "D"      "wms_opaque" "0"   
   "gml_include_items" "all"      "RESULT_HYPERLINK" "gid"    END       
TEMPLATE "ttt.html"    CLASS            NAME "GM"      EXPRESSION 
("[tasi]"="150 kV")      STYLE        SYMBOL 2        COLOR 0 166 57        
OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0      
  SIZE 2        MINSIZE 2        MAXSIZE 2        ANTIALIAS FALSE      END    
END       END
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