The print part (and "download" was functionally placed under "print") is 
not complete. The PDF print might still be implemented once.

The download functionality will likely be removed from the core code and 
could be added as a plugin (if someone is going write this plugin...). 
It's anyway a bit of a confusing name and does only make sense if no 
layers like OSM or Google are involved.

On 09/01/2013 21:29, wrote:
> Cordial saludo,
> el archivo download.php contiene estas sentencias:
> require_once("incphp/group.php");
> require_once("incphp/pmsession.php");
> require_once("incphp/globals.php");
> require_once("incphp/common.php");
> require_once("incphp/map/map.php");
> require_once("incphp/print/print.php");
> Pero la version pmapper5 no tiene la carpeta incphp y por tanto se
> genera error al tratar de descargar el mapa como GeoTIFF en cual quier
> resolucion 150 DPI,200 DPI o 300 DPI.
> Alguien me puede ayudar
> Atenetamente
> German Mazuera
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