Hi Marcos,

You can trust Sourceforge, the version you are using is the right one
4.3.0. I guess it's just an omission in defaults.xml.

I just tried it on my p.mapper 4.3 project (with PostGIS2).
At first I got the same error: PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed
opening required 'MDB2.php'

Then, as said in the manual
<http://svn.pmapper.net/trac/wiki/DocManual>(additional PHP settings),
I had to install the PEAR, the MDB2 package and
the pgsql driver.
(Had a PHP Deprecated error, which the latest MDB2 beta MDB2-2.5.0b5

That was kind of straight forward to install that on Linux, hope it will be
the same for Windows.


On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Marcos Bastos

> Hi, Chris.
> I downloaded the file pmapper-4.3.0-ms4w.zip at address
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pmapper/files/p.mapper 204/4.3.0% / (I
> wrote the wrong link in the previous email) . I made adjustments to the
> application to this version (4.3) but the problem persists (as attached
> image).
> I thought it strange that the Windows version, both in package pmapper-
> 4.3.0-ms4w.zip as in pmapper-4.3.0.zip, the file pmapper-4.3.0.zip \
> pmapper-4.3.0 \ config \ common \ . _startup_ \. DEFAULTS.XML has the
> tags:
> - <pmapper> <pmTitle> p.mapper 4.2 - A MapServer PHP / MapScript Framework
> </ pmTitle>
> <version> 4.2 </ version>
> Does the windows version was not made the upgrade?
> Hug!
> Marcos
>    *De:* Chris forum <bak.fo...@gmail.com>
> *Para:* Marcos Bastos <marcosnbas...@yahoo.com.br>
> *Enviadas:* Sexta-feira, 22 de Março de 2013 10:07
> *Assunto:* Re: [pmapper-users] Searchitem Postgis problem
> Hi
> 4.2 doesn't have the Postgis2 modifications from what I know.
> I got 4.3 from there:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pmapper/files/p.mapper%204/4.3.0/
> I am on Linux, but I see a 4.3.0-msw4.zip that should be good for you.
> Don't forget to add the pmapper users list in your following messages, so
> that everyone knows if it works better with 4.3 or not. ;-)
> Good luck!
> Chris
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 1:51 PM, Marcos Bastos <marcosnbas...@yahoo.com.br
> > wrote:
> Hi!
> I downloaded version 4.3 of  
> http://br-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/%204<http://br-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/><http://br-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/>
> % <http://br-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/>204<http://br-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/>/
> But the version that is installed that package is version 4.2!! (The
> problem persists with this version 4.3-> 4.2 )....
> From where you downloaded the version "4.3"?
> Here image attached to the application running locally.
> thank you
> Marcos
>   ----- Mensagem encaminhada -----
> *De:* Marcos Bastos <marcosnbas...@yahoo.com.br>
> *Para:* Chris forum <bak.fo...@gmail.com>
> *Enviadas:* Quinta-feira, 21 de Março de 2013 13:34
> *Assunto:* Re: [pmapper-users] Searchitem Postgis problem
> I think it is version 4.0 of pmapper.
> I'll try to install version 4.3.
> Thank you!
> Marcos
>    *De:* Chris forum <bak.fo...@gmail.com>
> *Para:* Marcos Bastos <marcosnbas...@yahoo.com.br>
> *Cc:* "pmapper-users@lists.sourceforge.net" <
> pmapper-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> *Enviadas:* Quinta-feira, 21 de Março de 2013 11:45
> *Assunto:* Re: [pmapper-users] Searchitem Postgis problem
> Hi Marcos,
> In his reply to Suman (March 3), Armin says:
> "... *old code in query/squery.php using deprecated Postgis
> functions. This was working with Postgis up to version 1.5.x, but not
> any more with v2.x where the deprecated functions have been removed.
> p.mapper 4.3 should have this fixed thanks to Thomas Raffin.*"
> Maybe that is also applying to your problem as you are also using PostGIS
> 2.
> What p.mapper version are you using?
> Otherwise, I would have a look at what the error shows:
> Failed opening required 'MDB2.php'
> Regards,
> Chris
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Marcos Bastos
> <marcosnbas...@yahoo.com.br>wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > We have two applications running on pmapper using shape files and the
> > information we are migrating to PostgreSQL / PostGIS.
> >
> > I'm encountering problems in searchitem list showing the following error
> > in mesage in the list of values:
> >
> > <b> Warning </ b>: Suggest :: require_once (MDB2.php) [<a
> > href='suggest.require-once'> suggest.require-once </ a>]: failed to open
> > stream: No such file <b> or directory in C: \ ms4w \ apps \ pmapper \
> > registry \ incphp \ query \ suggest.php </ b> on line <b> 129 </ b> <br
> />
> > <b> Fatal error </ b>: Suggest :: require_once () [function.require <a
> > href='function.require'> </ a>]: Failed opening required 'MDB2.php'
> > (include_path = '.; \ ms4w \ Apache \ php \ PEAR ') in <b> C: \ ms4w \
> apps
> > \ pmapper \ registry \ incphp \ query \ suggest.php </ b> on line <b> 129
> > </ b> <br />
> >
> > I ask help for this problem, please.
> > Thank you.
> >
> > I'm accessing PostgreSQL 9.2 / PostGIS 2.0 which is installed on another
> > machine.
> >
> > Under the file config_default.xml with searchitem and layer file
> > pmapper_demo.map:
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > <allGroups>
> > <group>quadras</group>
> > <group>perimetro_urbano</group>
> > <group>patrimonio_josiane</group>
> > <group>patrimonio</group>
> > <group>lotes_anotacoes</group>
> > <group>lotes</group>
> > <group>limite_municipal</group>
> > <group>hidrografia_regiao</group>
> > <group>hidrografia_polilinha</group>
> > <group>restricoesaeroportuarias</group>
> > </allGroups>
> > .
> > .
> > .
> >  <searchitem name="lotes" description="codigo_cartografico">
> >            <layer type="postgis" name="lotes">
> >                <field type="s" name="codigo_cartografico"
> > description="codigo_cartografico" wildcard="2">
> >                <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db"
> > minlength="8" startleft="1" sort="asc">
> >                <dsn encoding="UTF-8">pgsql://
> > postgres:postgres@</dsn>
> >                <sql>SELECT codigo_cartografico FROM cadastro.lotes</sql>
> >                </definition>
> >                </field>
> >            </layer>
> >  </searchitem>
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >    NAME 'lotes'
> >      "DESCRIPTION"    "Lotes"
> >      "RESULT_HEADERS" "Codigo Cartografico, Qt,Quadra, Lote, Logradouro,
> > numero,frente, fundo, direita, esquerda, OBS"
> >      "RESULT_FIELDS"  "codigo_cartografico, quarteirao_prop,quadra_prop,
> > lote_prop, nome_logradouro, numero_logradouro, detalhe_frente,
> > detalhe_fundo, detalhe_direita,detalhe_esquerda, observacao"
> >  END
> >
> >    CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
> >    CONNECTION "dbname=gis_municipal host= port=5432
> > user=postgres password=postgres"
> >    DATA "the_geom from (SELECT a.*, b.* FROM cadastro.lotes a,
> > cfta_ficha_prop b WHERE (select distinct a.codigo_cartografico) =
> > b.cod_cartografico) as subquery USING UNIQUE gid USING srid=31983"
> >
> > #    DATA "the_geom FROM cadastro.lotes USING UNIQUE gid USING
> srid=31983"
> >
> >    CLASS
> >        NAME 'lotes'
> >        TEMPLATE void
> >        STYLE
> >          WIDTH 1
> >          OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
> >          COLOR 88 128 122
> >        END
> >    END
> >  END
> > Below is the configuration of the installation in Win 7 Pro:
> > MapServer for Windows (MS4W)
> > The following are included in the base package:
> > - Apache version 2.2.10
> > - PHP version 5.2.6
> > - MapServer 5.2.1 CGI and MapScript (CSharp, Java, PHP,
> >  Python)
> >
> >    - support GD 2.0.35, FreeType 2.1.10, GDAL/OGR 1.6.0RC2,
> >      PROJ, WMS/WFS, Flash, PDF, ECW3.1, PostGIS, GEOS,
> >      libcurl 7.15.1, FastCGI, AGG 2.4
> >
> > - mapserver utilities
> > - gdal/ogr utilities
> > - proj.4 utilities
> > - shp2tile utility
> > - shapelib utilities
> > - shpdiff utility
> > - avce00 utilities
> >
> > - PHP_OGR Extension 1.1.1
> >
> > - OWTChart 1.2.0
> > - DEMtools utilities
> >
> > MapServer Version Information
> > -----------------------------
> > ::
> >  MapServer version 5.2.1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG
> >
> > MapServer Build Environment
> > ---------------------------
> > Compiled using Howard Butler's `MapServer buildkit`_
> >
> > .. _`MapServer buildkit`: http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/dl/buildkit/
> >
> > Library Versions Used to build this version of MapServer:
> > ::
> >    curl-7.15.1
> >    expat-2.0.1
> >    fcgi-2.4.0
> >    fits-3.0.2
> >    freetype-2.1.10
> >    fribidi-0.19.1
> >    gd-2.0.35
> >    gdal-1.6.0 RC2
> >    geos-2.2.3
> >    gettext-0.13
> >    hdf5
> >    jbigkit-1.6
> >    jpeg-6b
> >    libecwj2-3.3
> >    libgeotiff-1.2.3
> >    libiconv-1.9.1
> >    libintl-0.11.5
> >    libpng-1.2.8
> >    libxml2-2.6.23.win32
> >    mapserver-5.2.1
> >    ming-0.2a
> >    mrsid-
> >    mysql-5.0.18-win32
> >    netcdf-3.6.1
> >    PDFlib-Lite-6.0.2
> >    php-5.2.6
> >    postgresql-8.3.3
> >    proj-4.6.1
> >    Python-2.5.1
> >    regex-0.12
> >    sqlite3
> >    SWIG-1.3.33
> >    tiff-cvs (02/04/08)
> >    xerces-c-2.7.0
> >    zlib-1.2.3
> >
> > MapScript
> > ---------
> > - C# MapScript: compiled against .NET 1.1 runtime
> > - Java MapScript: compiled against Java 1.6.0_01
> > - PHP MapScript: built for PHP 5
> > - Python MapScript: compiled against Python 2.5.1
> > *Perl, TCL, and Ruby MapScript are not in this MS4W release*
> > OGR Formats Supported
> > ---------------------
> > See the `OGR formats page`_ for full driver descriptions.
> > .. _OGR formats page: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html
> > ::
> >  "ESRI Shapefile" (read/write)
> >  "MapInfo File" (read/write)
> >  "UK .NTF" (readonly)
> >  "SDTS" (readonly)
> >  "TIGER" (read/write)
> >  "S57" (read/write)
> >  "DGN" (read/write)
> >  "VRT" (readonly)
> >  "REC" (readonly)
> >  "Memory" (read/write)
> >  "BNA" (read/write)
> >  "CSV" (read/write)
> >  "GML" (read/write)
> >  "GPX" (read/write)
> >  "KML" (read/write)
> >  "GeoJSON" (read/write)
> >  "GMT" (read/write)
> >  "SQLite" (read/write)
> >  "ODBC" (read/write)
> >  "PGeo" (readonly)
> >  "PostgreSQL" (read/write)
> >  "MySQL" (read/write)
> >  "XPlane" (readonly)
> >  "AVCBin" (readonly)
> >  "AVCE00" (readonly)
> >  "Geoconcept" (read/write)
> >
> >    Oracle - see `GDAL/OGR Plugins` section of this document to enable
> >    SDE - see `GDAL/OGR Plugins` section of this document to enable
> >
> > GDAL Formats Supported
> > ----------------------
> > See the `GDAL formats page`_ for full driver descriptions.
> > .. _GDAL formats page: http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html
> > ::
> >  VRT (rw+): Virtual Raster
> >  GTiff (rw+): GeoTIFF
> >  NITF (rw+): National Imagery Transmission Format
> >  RPFTOC (ro): Raster Product Format TOC format
> >  HFA (rw+): Erdas Imagine Images (.img)
> >  SAR_CEOS (ro): CEOS SAR Image
> >  CEOS (ro): CEOS Image
> >  JAXAPALSAR (ro): JAXA PALSAR Product Reader (Level 1.1/1.5)
> >  GFF (ro): Ground-based SAR Applications Testbed File Format (.gff)
> >  ELAS (rw+): ELAS
> >  AIG (ro): Arc/Info Binary Grid
> >  AAIGrid (rw): Arc/Info ASCII Grid
> >  SDTS (ro): SDTS Raster
> >  DTED (rw): DTED Elevation Raster
> >  PNG (rw): Portable Network Graphics
> >  JPEG (rw): JPEG JFIF
> >  MEM (rw+): In Memory Raster
> >  JDEM (ro): Japanese DEM (.mem)
> >  GIF (rw): Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
> >  ESAT (ro): Envisat Image Format
> >  FITS (rw+): Flexible Image Transport System
> >  BSB (ro): Maptech BSB Nautical Charts
> >  XPM (rw): X11 PixMap Format
> >  BMP (rw+): MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap
> >  AirSAR (ro): AirSAR Polarimetric Image
> >  RS2 (ro): RadarSat 2 XML Product
> >  PCIDSK (rw+): PCIDSK Database File
> >  PCRaster (rw): PCRaster Raster File
> >  ILWIS (rw+): ILWIS Raster Map
> >  SGI (rw+): SGI Image File Format 1.0
> >  SRTMHGT (rw): SRTMHGT File Format
> >  Leveller (rw+): Leveller heightfield
> >  Terragen (rw+): Terragen heightfield
> >  GMT (rw): GMT NetCDF Grid Format
> >  netCDF (rw): Network Common Data Format
> >  ISIS3 (ro): USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 3)
> >  ISIS2 (ro): USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 2)
> >  PDS (ro): NASA Planetary Data System
> >  ERS (rw+): ERMapper .ers Labelled
> >  ECW (rw): ERMapper Compressed Wavelets
> >  JP2ECW (rw+): ERMapper JPEG2000
> >  L1B (ro): NOAA Polar Orbiter Level 1b Data Set
> >  FIT (rw): FIT Image
> >  GRIB (ro): GRIdded Binary (.grb)
> >  MrSID (ro): Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID)
> >  JP2MrSID (ro): MrSID JPEG2000
> >  RMF (rw+): Raster Matrix Format
> >  WCS (ro): OGC Web Coverage Service
> >  WMS (ro): OGC Web Map Service
> >  MSGN (ro): EUMETSAT Archive native (.nat)
> >  RST (rw+): Idrisi Raster A.1
> >  INGR (rw+): Intergraph Raster
> >  GSAG (rw): Golden Software ASCII Grid (.grd)
> >  GSBG (rw+): Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd)
> >  GS7BG (ro): Golden Software 7 Binary Grid (.grd)
> >  COSAR (ro): COSAR Annotated Binary Matrix (TerraSAR-X)
> >  TSX (ro): TerraSAR-X Product
> >  COASP (ro): DRDC COASP SAR Processor Raster
> >  PNM (rw+): Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)
> >  DOQ1 (ro): USGS DOQ (Old Style)
> >  DOQ2 (ro): USGS DOQ (New Style)
> >  ENVI (rw+): ENVI .hdr Labelled
> >  EHdr (rw+): ESRI .hdr Labelled
> >  GenBin (ro): Generic Binary (.hdr Labelled)
> >  PAux (rw+): PCI .aux Labelled
> >  MFF (rw+): Vexcel MFF Raster
> >  MFF2 (rw+): Vexcel MFF2 (HKV) Raster
> >  FujiBAS (ro): Fuji BAS Scanner Image
> >  GSC (ro): GSC Geogrid
> >  FAST (ro): EOSAT FAST Format
> >  BT (rw+): VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format
> >  LAN (ro): Erdas .LAN/.GIS
> >  CPG (ro): Convair PolGASP
> >  IDA (rw+): Image Data and Analysis
> >  NDF (ro): NLAPS Data Format
> >  EIR (ro): Erdas Imagine Raw
> >  DIPEx (ro): DIPEx
> >  LCP (ro): FARSITE v.4 Landscape File (.lcp)
> >  RIK (ro): Swedish Grid RIK (.rik)
> >  USGSDEM (rw): USGS Optional ASCII DEM (and CDED)
> >  GXF (ro): GeoSoft Grid Exchange Format
> >  HTTP (ro): HTTP Fetching Wrapper
> >  HDF5 (ro): Hierarchical Data Format Release 5
> >  HDF5Image (ro): HDF5 Dataset
> >  ADRG (rw+): ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
> >  BLX (rw): Magellan topo (.blx)
> >
> >  SDE raster - see `GDAL/OGR Plugins` section of this
> >                document to enable
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> > pmapper-users mailing list
> > pmapper-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pmapper-users
> >
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