On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Petko Yotov <5...@5ko.fr> wrote:
> H. Fox writes:
>> Another change to consider, with
>> www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/PmWikiPhilosophy#easy
>> in mind, might be renaming the template and stylesheet files
>>    pmwiki.tmpl => skin.tmpl
>>    pmwiki.css => skin.css
>> This way a wikiadmin could rename just the directory to create a new
>> skin, whith no need to rename the two files also.
> Actually, if you rename or copy the skins/pmwiki directory and set the $Skin
> variable to the new name of the directory, the skin should display fine even
> if the template is named pmwiki.tmpl.

So it does! I'd forgotten that a .tmpl file with any name will load if
it's the only one in the directory.

skin.tmpl is simpler but changing the filename after-the-fact would be
way too confusing.

If the choice is made to leave the default skin as-is and add a
separate HTML table-less skin maybe in that one,

 - name the template file skin.tmpl
 - remove the deprecated attribute
 - revisit font sizes as Simon suggests
 - make some _low-impact_(*) mobile-friendly / HTML5-friendly / RWD tweaks

For the table-less skin, which requires CSS >= 2.1, exquisite
compatibly with obsolete desktop browsers at the expense of mobile
usability doesn't make sense.

The default skin's mobile-unfriendliness could be an instant
deal-killer for some new / novice administrators, don't you think?

A surprisingly large -- and growing -- number of Internet users are mobile-only.


(*) I still think a new skin should be developed from scratch for some
future PmWiki release.  For that reason, I'm suggesting changes that
are tightly concentrated on squeezing some more utility out of the
aging 2006-era skin, with great attention to maintaining
backward-compatibility.  Evolution not revolution.  :-)

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